Hi! Assalamualaikum :)
First, wanna say sorry to this blog, hihi. Didn't mean to leave you though, just didn't hv time to update (+laziness), hehehe. Forgive me, okay? Oookay, hihi.
Now, November 6, 2010, I just wanna say, Happy New Year! :) Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriah 1432 H. But I don't really know whether 1st Muharram is on today or will be on tomorrow. Still, it's a new year. Yey! :) Wish all the best for me, for my parents, for my family, for everyone. I hope Allah swt. will always bless us, accompany us, guide us, on everytime and in everywhere. Amin :)
So, how are things? xD Mine is just so so, just as usual. But still, I'm grateful for everything happens in my life. Allah swt. gives me the best, right? :)
Yawn. Well, I think I have to go to bed. So sleepy, zzz.
Bye, see ya next time. Happy new year! :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:19 PM
Hello xD Time to update my blog xD
How was your day, everyone? Was it good? I did my first consultation in NF on Friday, kkkkkk~ We discussed and answered such a lot of questions. Do you know what I and my coursemates discussed about? "Fisika Inti" yeah "Fisika Inti" =___= but thanks God, I do understand it xp
Anyway, this week's such a crowd, I mean there was soooo many rumors huh and also so many whinings. And it was starting w Jjong&Sekyung(?) *I don't really care about that girl's name* and then Taec&Sicca, geez! The fan's dissapointment was so annoying. So what if they're really dating? You know what? They deserve to love and be loved, just like us. Like my friend's qoutes, kalo ngefans itu jangan pake hati tapi pake otak! Note it, ok?
Ah, one else! To someone "sok tau", kalo ngga tau apa-apa tuh jangan sok tau lah! Ngeringamin nian >>.<< In my heart, Jo Kwon<3Ga-In are real! I do believe, they love each other! Makanya nonton! Ngga nonton tapi sok sok tau, cuih~
Oh my God, I'm sorry for letting my anger out, in here, I'm sorry :( I <3 you, blog! I <3 you everyone!
Hello xD Time to update my blog xD
How was your day, everyone? Was it good? I did my first consultation in NF on Friday, kkkkkk~ We discussed and answered such a lot of questions. Do you know what I and my coursemates discussed about? "Fisika Inti" yeah "Fisika Inti" =___= but thanks God, I do understand it xp
Anyway, this week's such a crowd, I mean there was soooo many rumors huh and also so many whinings. And it was starting w Jjong&Sekyung(?) *I don't really care about that girl's name* and then Taec&Sicca, geez! The fan's dissapointment was so annoying. So what if they're really dating? You know what? They deserve to love and be loved, just like us. Like my friend's qoutes, kalo ngefans itu jangan pake hati tapi pake otak! Note it, ok?
Ah, one else! To someone "sok tau", kalo ngga tau apa-apa tuh jangan sok tau lah! Ngeringamin nian >>.<< In my heart, Jo Kwon<3Ga-In are real! I do believe, they love each other! Makanya nonton! Ngga nonton tapi sok sok tau, cuih~
Oh my God, I'm sorry for letting my anger out, in here, I'm sorry :( I <3 you, blog! I <3 you everyone!
Monday, October 25, 2010
happyb uciiiiiii :)))
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:30 PM
Blogiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie~ annyeong! xp
You know? Today is my best friend's birthday! Uci, she's now already eighteen :) Saengil chukae saengil chukae uri Uci :) And a few minutes ago, I was just on the phone w/ her. Sooo happy to hear her voice since the last time I heard it, about two months ago(?) Huuuu I miss her so much :'''( Hope she's doing well in there. Good luck w/ all of your college's stuffs, Uci! I wish you all the best, as always.
I <3 you, Uci! hihihihi ;))
Yorobeun! Aku pamitan ya! See ya next time! Hv a good life, yorobeun!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
You know? Today is my best friend's birthday! Uci, she's now already eighteen :) Saengil chukae saengil chukae uri Uci :) And a few minutes ago, I was just on the phone w/ her. Sooo happy to hear her voice since the last time I heard it, about two months ago(?) Huuuu I miss her so much :'''( Hope she's doing well in there. Good luck w/ all of your college's stuffs, Uci! I wish you all the best, as always.
I <3 you, Uci! hihihihi ;))
Yorobeun! Aku pamitan ya! See ya next time! Hv a good life, yorobeun!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
6:32 AM
Anyway, aku baru inget kalo ada Indonesian Open Grand Prix :((( dan baru tau kalo disiarin di tv o*e. Dang! I miss my Liliyana Natsir :( my Greysia Polii too :( and my Vita Marissa as bad :(
It's been a long time I didn't watch badminton match :( I hope I'll not lose the chance to watch it later. Really miss Kak Butet, Kak Greys, and Ci Vita!:(((
It's been a long time I didn't watch badminton match :( I hope I'll not lose the chance to watch it later. Really miss Kak Butet, Kak Greys, and Ci Vita!:(((
Greysia Polii,
Vita Marissa
hv a nice day, everyone!
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:50 AM
Good morning;;) I woke up earlier because I missed my blog already, kkkkkkkkkkkk ;))
So, did you sleep well? Did you have a wonderful dream? I hope so :)))
Have a nice Sunday everyone! I hope my plan will be going well today. I hope the weather will be nice. I hope everything is going to be all right. Amin.
Have a nice Sunday!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
So, did you sleep well? Did you have a wonderful dream? I hope so :)))
Have a nice Sunday everyone! I hope my plan will be going well today. I hope the weather will be nice. I hope everything is going to be all right. Amin.
Have a nice Sunday!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
hello or holla?
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:36 PM
Something just surprises me! A several days ago I just made a posting about SHINee's new song, right? Titled Hello. Theeeeeeen, I found out, tonight, that the song had the English version! But not SHINee who's sing it, but J.Cates! I don't really know who she is, what I know is she sang it on 2008, if I'm not mistaken. Of course w/ the English lyric, and the diff title, Holla. Just check these out! J.Cate's version and SHINee's version.
I have no idea about how could this happens. But then, I love J.Cate's Holla as well as I love SHINee's Hello :)))
I have no idea about how could this happens. But then, I love J.Cate's Holla as well as I love SHINee's Hello :)))
stupid me:(
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:48 PM
Helloooooooo, yorobuen! *lol, the combination of Korean-English/Konglish :p*
It's not as usual I make a posting on Saturday, right? I was just make a posting on Sunday or Monday usually. But today is a bit diff. You know why? It's because tomorrow is my free Sunday :D Uhyeeeeey :D Yeah, my course place held the try out time only on the last friday and this saturday, so that's why tomorrow I'll be free :D But not free at all, I'll hang out w/ my Mom tomorrow, kkkkkk ;))
So, how was your day, yorobuen? *lol, Konglish again :p* I wish it was good :))) Bcs, it was pretty good for me, though I had some problem when I did the try out. Craps! I didn't prepare as well. The science matery just made me crrrrrrry :'''( I have no idea about the result of this first try out. Stupid me!:(
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:((( Okay, take a breath! Take it easy! :)))
Enjoy your Sunday, tomorrow, everyone! :)
Love, Mirna Nadia.
It's not as usual I make a posting on Saturday, right? I was just make a posting on Sunday or Monday usually. But today is a bit diff. You know why? It's because tomorrow is my free Sunday :D Uhyeeeeey :D Yeah, my course place held the try out time only on the last friday and this saturday, so that's why tomorrow I'll be free :D But not free at all, I'll hang out w/ my Mom tomorrow, kkkkkk ;))
So, how was your day, yorobuen? *lol, Konglish again :p* I wish it was good :))) Bcs, it was pretty good for me, though I had some problem when I did the try out. Craps! I didn't prepare as well. The science matery just made me crrrrrrry :'''( I have no idea about the result of this first try out. Stupid me!:(
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:((( Okay, take a breath! Take it easy! :)))
Enjoy your Sunday, tomorrow, everyone! :)
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:16 AM
Good morning, blogie! :D
Ya know? I'm still wondering why Heechul made an account on facebook ==" Yeah, he made it, yesterday. facebook.com/heenimk ~
But -___- he has already had too many friend requests. Dang! x( How come?! How come he already had too many friend requests right after three hours he announced on his twitter that he made an account on facebook?! Geez! He has so many Petals in this world =="
Ah! And I think, yesterday was really really his day ==" He's on trending topic #1 through the day =="
Omona, congratulation Heechulah! You raaaaawk! xp
Ya know? I'm still wondering why Heechul made an account on facebook ==" Yeah, he made it, yesterday. facebook.com/heenimk ~
But -___- he has already had too many friend requests. Dang! x( How come?! How come he already had too many friend requests right after three hours he announced on his twitter that he made an account on facebook?! Geez! He has so many Petals in this world =="
Ah! And I think, yesterday was really really his day ==" He's on trending topic #1 through the day =="
Omona, congratulation Heechulah! You raaaaawk! xp
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10 10 10
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:48 PM
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;;) Unik ya hari ini? Tanggalnya, tanggal 10 bulan 10 tahun 2010. Tapi tadi jalanan macet ==" Banyak yang nikah ==" Gara-gara 10-10-10 nih ==" Terus banyak yang ngelahirin juga yah? wah~
Maybe for some people, today is pretty special. But, it's not really special for me. Soalnya tadi cuma les aja, dari jam sembilan sampe jam duabelas. Abis itu pulang, makan, nonton, maenin laptop. Hhhhhhhhhh -_-
Enjoy your 10-10-10 everyone!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Maybe for some people, today is pretty special. But, it's not really special for me. Soalnya tadi cuma les aja, dari jam sembilan sampe jam duabelas. Abis itu pulang, makan, nonton, maenin laptop. Hhhhhhhhhh -_-
Enjoy your 10-10-10 everyone!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Monday, October 4, 2010
#helloshinee #glee #byebye
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:23 PM
Udah liat new mv nya Shinee belooooooooooom? *O nya biasa aja kali mirne!* -_- Lucu deh, lucu deh, lucu deh :p Key, mampus Key lucu gilak :p Lucu bangeeeeeeut, waktu Key ngeliat ke atas sambil manyun, kyeoptaaaaa :333 Lagunya juga catchy banget :))) Tapi, masa mereka bilang "halo? halo? halo?" melulu sih, padahal aku udah jawab "iya? siapa ya? mau bicara sama siapa?" *fool!!! pass this one! :p*. Oh iya, beruntung bgt lah Sara :D tanggal 12 bisa liat mereka langsung, uhukuhukuhuk :p Good luck ya, sweetheart! :* Jangan lupa bawa kameranya dua, yang kiri buat video, yang kanan buat foto, hahaha :p
Shinee - Hello [MV], upldd by sment@yt
Bye, blogie. Aku mau nonton Glee duyuuuuuu :p Kemarin beli dvd Glee season satu, yang engga ori sih, hehehehehehe. Padahal udah nonton yang season satu di Ind*v*s**n :p Yang season dua baru dua episode yah? Ngga bisa nonton nih :'''( soalnya Ind*v*s**n nya lagi pending -_- No matter what, I love Glee, don't stop believing! ;;) Anyeong! Have a wonderful life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Bye, blogie. Aku mau nonton Glee duyuuuuuu :p Kemarin beli dvd Glee season satu, yang engga ori sih, hehehehehehe. Padahal udah nonton yang season satu di Ind*v*s**n :p Yang season dua baru dua episode yah? Ngga bisa nonton nih :'''( soalnya Ind*v*s**n nya lagi pending -_- No matter what, I love Glee, don't stop believing! ;;) Anyeong! Have a wonderful life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
step, step, step
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:28 PM

When you procrastinate something then you will lose a lot of steps...
Someone told us, ah I mean that person didn't tell us directly, but I'm pretty sure that "that sentence" is directed to me and also to my bestie, Sara. I don't want to mention the name of that person, bcs that buddy is our close friend, our very close friend.
I'm not being mad. Also, I'm not dissapointed. In fact, I am more motivated to prove that I can, that I can reach my dream. It's just delayed for a while. I just have to wait.
You know, I've put it off to get the better goal! Which is better than you! Better than the others! Lebih baik aku kehilangan beberapa langkah daripada aku memilih langkah yang salah...
Anyway, don't get me wrong, buddy! You're still my best friend ever :))) I just have to say what I want to say.
too worry about the "PS" :p
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:47 PM
Assalamualaikum :)) Was everything good, buddy?
Well, I passed my first day on October by going to the course again and it continued on 2nd and 3rd October. Hhhhsh *take a breath*, studying studying studying, the only word in my head.
Ohiyaaa, how about my "problem set"? xD I realize that I was too worry xD Nothing's happened xD My teacher didn't really care about it, though he still checked it, wheter I did it or not, he just nagged a lil bit. Hihihihihi, I'm safe :p But then, I promise, I'll do it, as much as I can :)))
Well, I passed my first day on October by going to the course again and it continued on 2nd and 3rd October. Hhhhsh *take a breath*, studying studying studying, the only word in my head.
Ohiyaaa, how about my "problem set"? xD I realize that I was too worry xD Nothing's happened xD My teacher didn't really care about it, though he still checked it, wheter I did it or not, he just nagged a lil bit. Hihihihihi, I'm safe :p But then, I promise, I'll do it, as much as I can :)))
Monday, September 27, 2010
next year is...
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:55 PM
Everything happens for a reason. Mendapatkan apa yang sangat aku iinginkan adalah alasan atas apa yang sedang aku jalani sekarang dalam hidupku.
But, they can't understand, they can't. My friends, my high school teacher, even my family.
Sedih? Iya. Kecewa? Iya, aku kira mereka akan memberi dukungan dan mendoakan, tapi ternyata tidak. Tertekan? Ya. Dan... termotivasi? YA, SANGAT TERMOTIVASI.
I'll prove it, I will! They'll see, they'll know that they're wrong.
Next year is the year of proof.
But, they can't understand, they can't. My friends, my high school teacher, even my family.
Sedih? Iya. Kecewa? Iya, aku kira mereka akan memberi dukungan dan mendoakan, tapi ternyata tidak. Tertekan? Ya. Dan... termotivasi? YA, SANGAT TERMOTIVASI.
I'll prove it, I will! They'll see, they'll know that they're wrong.
Next year is the year of proof.
democracy is yet to learn
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:14 PM
Democracy Is Yet To Learn itu film pendek buatan Adhyatmika. Orang Indonesia! :))) Umurnya masih 21. Lulusan Puttnam School of Film, Lasalle College of The Arts, Singapore. Filmnya ini menang dalam Democracy Video Challenge. Dia sampe ketemu sama Hillary Clinton loh! Terus masuk NBC dan ketemu sama Tony Blair O.o
Film pendeknya ini bagus banget deh *menurut aku*. Walaupun pendek tapi pesannya tuh nyampe banget. Salut lah pokoknya. Four thumbs up! :)))
thanks, mbc :p
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:06 PM
Bounjooooour ;;) I've been bored for being study since 2 days ago :((( I can't finish my "problem set" yet :((( Too much difficult questions :'''(
Then, I decided to get some refreshment, keke. Surfing in the internet worrrrrld :DDD It can refreshes my mind so well :p
Ah, anyway, especially for "Korean Stuff's Lovers" :p, did you guys already see MBC ‘2010 Idol Athletics Chuseok Special’? Kalo belom cepetan deh nonton, keburu video nya didelete sama yt, kekekekekekeke :p
Ah sinca! :p I'm being so happy to see that show :DDD But, I wouldn't be happy by myself, I'll share it w/ you :)))
lol at shindong oppa :p itu kasihan deh yang jatuh :(
omoooo, eunhyuk oppa cepet banget larinya, daebak!
aaa aku pengennya jokwon yang menang -_- tapi, daebak, minho! :D eteuk oppa maennya curang -_-
kekekeke, seulong nya menang, wajar aja ya, kakinya panjang gitu :p
woah, ngga nyangka onew larinya lambet :p
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 1/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 2/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 3/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 4/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 5/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 6/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 7/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 8/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 1/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 2/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 3/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 4/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 5/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 6/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 7/7
credit to SuJuTV4@youtube and 1991krys@youtube :)))
Then, I decided to get some refreshment, keke. Surfing in the internet worrrrrld :DDD It can refreshes my mind so well :p
Ah, anyway, especially for "Korean Stuff's Lovers" :p, did you guys already see MBC ‘2010 Idol Athletics Chuseok Special’? Kalo belom cepetan deh nonton, keburu video nya didelete sama yt, kekekekekekeke :p
Ah sinca! :p I'm being so happy to see that show :DDD But, I wouldn't be happy by myself, I'll share it w/ you :)))
lol at shindong oppa :p itu kasihan deh yang jatuh :(
omoooo, eunhyuk oppa cepet banget larinya, daebak!
aaa aku pengennya jokwon yang menang -_- tapi, daebak, minho! :D eteuk oppa maennya curang -_-
kekekeke, seulong nya menang, wajar aja ya, kakinya panjang gitu :p
woah, ngga nyangka onew larinya lambet :p
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 1/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 2/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 3/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 4/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 5/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 6/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 7/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 8/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 1/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 2/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 3/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 4/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 5/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 6/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 7/7
credit to SuJuTV4@youtube and 1991krys@youtube :)))
Friday, September 24, 2010
ecieee sara mau nonton shinee
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
6:07 AM
Uwouwouwouwo -_- Efek dari ngga buka twitter sm facebook >> ketinggalan berita.
Best friend ku dapet free ticket buat nonton Shinee aja aku ngga tau, haha. Baru tau semalem masa? Hoho. Miaaaan ya Sara :* Lagian si Sara ngga ngasih tau, sms atau telpon gitu, kekekeke. Tapi, chukae chukae chukae :*
Hahahaha si Sara, ngga ada SuJu, Shinee pun jadi, kekekekeke. Pulang-pulang jangan ngga bawa Minho yeeee ye ye, HAHAHAHA.
Eh katanya masih ada sisa 1900 ticket ya? Hahahaha mau dong satu. Tapi, mungkin,ngga dibolehin mama papa kesana ==" *Tapi kan belom bilang? Mungkin aja dibolehin.* Tapi, aaaaaaaaa sudahlah, pikirin belajar dulu :p Belom saatnya, belom rezeki aku :)))
Sekali lagi deh, chukahamidaaaaa my bestie, Sara :*
Best friend ku dapet free ticket buat nonton Shinee aja aku ngga tau, haha. Baru tau semalem masa? Hoho. Miaaaan ya Sara :* Lagian si Sara ngga ngasih tau, sms atau telpon gitu, kekekeke. Tapi, chukae chukae chukae :*
Hahahaha si Sara, ngga ada SuJu, Shinee pun jadi, kekekekeke. Pulang-pulang jangan ngga bawa Minho yeeee ye ye, HAHAHAHA.
Eh katanya masih ada sisa 1900 ticket ya? Hahahaha mau dong satu. Tapi, mungkin,ngga dibolehin mama papa kesana ==" *Tapi kan belom bilang? Mungkin aja dibolehin.* Tapi, aaaaaaaaa sudahlah, pikirin belajar dulu :p Belom saatnya, belom rezeki aku :)))
Sekali lagi deh, chukahamidaaaaa my bestie, Sara :*
Thursday, September 23, 2010
problem set, 100 impian, OMONA ㅠ_ㅠ
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
10:30 PM
Problem set oh problem set ㅠ_ㅠ Ngga selesai-selesai nih ngerjain problem set dari NF :((( Apalagi fisikanya, huaaaaaa :((( Someone, please heeeeelp!
Mana belom bikin pr 100 impian lagi :( Iya, 100 impian! ==" jadi di NF tuh ada kaya bimbingan konseling gitu deh, terus sama gurunya disuruh bikin list 100 impian gitu ==" Abis libur ini udah harus selesai deh kayanya. Omonaaaa, satu minggu lagi yak :( Problem set ngga selesai-selesai, 100 impian belom dikerjain ==" Oh, God ㅠ_ㅠ
100 impian ==" Ngga tau mesti mulai dari mana, terlalu banyak impian nih ==" Rasanya aneh kalo mesti ditulis satu-satu, enakan disimpen dalem otak aja :p Tapi bagusnya emang ditulis ya *fool!* biar ngga lupa apa aja mimpi-mimpinya :))) Oke, besok harus mulai nulis 100 impian dan ngerjain problem set lagi :)))
Mirna fighting! Yay! :)))
Mana belom bikin pr 100 impian lagi :( Iya, 100 impian! ==" jadi di NF tuh ada kaya bimbingan konseling gitu deh, terus sama gurunya disuruh bikin list 100 impian gitu ==" Abis libur ini udah harus selesai deh kayanya. Omonaaaa, satu minggu lagi yak :( Problem set ngga selesai-selesai, 100 impian belom dikerjain ==" Oh, God ㅠ_ㅠ
100 impian ==" Ngga tau mesti mulai dari mana, terlalu banyak impian nih ==" Rasanya aneh kalo mesti ditulis satu-satu, enakan disimpen dalem otak aja :p Tapi bagusnya emang ditulis ya *fool!* biar ngga lupa apa aja mimpi-mimpinya :))) Oke, besok harus mulai nulis 100 impian dan ngerjain problem set lagi :)))
Mirna fighting! Yay! :)))
koneksi, pret!
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:22 PM
Aigooo. Males banget nih makam malem -_- Males turun ke bawahnya :p
Eh, aku ganti template loooh :p Otoke? Gwenchana? Hehe. Tapi aku masih mau cari background yang lebih pas, ele =="
Ah, pret! Dari tadi download video ngga selesai-selesai dah :((( speednya itu ya ampun ngga lebih dari 15KB/sec. Ngemalesin banget lah ini :((( Ayolaaaaaah, dewa datanglah, koneksi dewa =="
Hemmm, dengerin lagunya Yiruma dulu deh, biar tenangan dikit :p Emosi gara-gara koneksi internet :p
Eh, aku ganti template loooh :p Otoke? Gwenchana? Hehe. Tapi aku masih mau cari background yang lebih pas, ele =="
Ah, pret! Dari tadi download video ngga selesai-selesai dah :((( speednya itu ya ampun ngga lebih dari 15KB/sec. Ngemalesin banget lah ini :((( Ayolaaaaaah, dewa datanglah, koneksi dewa =="
Hemmm, dengerin lagunya Yiruma dulu deh, biar tenangan dikit :p Emosi gara-gara koneksi internet :p
BJ !!! eh JB :p
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
4:33 PM
Yo, whassup? eleee sok gaul =="
Aku abis ngakak nih *perasaan dari kemarin ngakak mulu*. Abis liat si Justin Bieber ngomong bahasa Indonesia di yt.
Wkwkwkwk :p Ngomong terima kasih nya ngga ikhlas gitu yak? -_____-
Oh iya katanya dia mau ke Indo ya? Masa sih? ==" Tapi bisa aja, world tour kali dia? Bisa aja, bisa aja. Katanya sih tahun 2011 deh bulan Juli, terus masa tiketnya 300rb-600rb doang? Pasti sponsornya banyak ==" Tapi masih isu deh, ngga jelas itu beneran apa engga. Kalo beneran, pengen nonton dong :p Pengen liat :p
Aku abis ngakak nih *perasaan dari kemarin ngakak mulu*. Abis liat si Justin Bieber ngomong bahasa Indonesia di yt.
Wkwkwkwk :p Ngomong terima kasih nya ngga ikhlas gitu yak? -_____-
Oh iya katanya dia mau ke Indo ya? Masa sih? ==" Tapi bisa aja, world tour kali dia? Bisa aja, bisa aja. Katanya sih tahun 2011 deh bulan Juli, terus masa tiketnya 300rb-600rb doang? Pasti sponsornya banyak ==" Tapi masih isu deh, ngga jelas itu beneran apa engga. Kalo beneran, pengen nonton dong :p Pengen liat :p
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
i heart Yiruma
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:55 PM
Hi, hahaha :p My third posting :p It would be the last posting for today :p
Now I 'm listening to some of Yiruma's song. You don't know about him? I'll let you know a little bit of him. Yiruma or his real name, Lee Ru-ma, is a pianist. He's from South Korean. For more clear, just click here, hehe.
Some of his songs >> Maybe, Kiss The Rain, and River Flows In You are my favouriiiiiiites :333 Those are really adorable songs! Dang! I wish I could play the piano :((( Oh, Mama kenapa waktu kecil aku ngga dilesin piano sich?
Try to listen to it! Once you listen to, your heart will melt like a candle's touched by fire :p I feel more calm after listen to his songs :))) Feel soooo good :))) So, yo baby! Listen to Yiruma's! Let your heart melts, haha just like me :p
Bye bye!
Now I 'm listening to some of Yiruma's song. You don't know about him? I'll let you know a little bit of him. Yiruma or his real name, Lee Ru-ma, is a pianist. He's from South Korean. For more clear, just click here, hehe.
Some of his songs >> Maybe, Kiss The Rain, and River Flows In You are my favouriiiiiiites :333 Those are really adorable songs! Dang! I wish I could play the piano :((( Oh, Mama kenapa waktu kecil aku ngga dilesin piano sich?
Try to listen to it! Once you listen to, your heart will melt like a candle's touched by fire :p I feel more calm after listen to his songs :))) Feel soooo good :))) So, yo baby! Listen to Yiruma's! Let your heart melts, haha just like me :p
Bye bye!
should i deactivate it?
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:46 PM
Anyeooong, hahaha my second posting in this day :p Idk why but now I really want to post more than once in my blog :p
I'm kinda bored w/ twitter or facebook :((( Even, I don't want to open it :(((( It sucks :(((
I'm planning to deactivate my accounts. But I can't decide yet when I can deactivate it. Or should I just leave it without deactivating? Ah, don't know. We'll see. But maybe, better I just leave it without deactivate it, and also I'll not tell anyone about it, so that they'll be curious where I am going, lol.
I think I will just updating my blog more than playing on twitter or facebook. Ya!
I'm kinda bored w/ twitter or facebook :((( Even, I don't want to open it :(((( It sucks :(((
I'm planning to deactivate my accounts. But I can't decide yet when I can deactivate it. Or should I just leave it without deactivating? Ah, don't know. We'll see. But maybe, better I just leave it without deactivate it, and also I'll not tell anyone about it, so that they'll be curious where I am going, lol.
I think I will just updating my blog more than playing on twitter or facebook. Ya!
ukelele boy
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:18 PM
Anyeong ;;)
Now, I want to show you a video which already make my laughter comes. Wait a minute :p
OMG. This kid is sooooooo cute. I don't know who he is. But, I'm very thankful to him. Bcs, I had just been in a bad mood before I watched him in that video. Then, now I feel like I'm a happy camper! Kekekekekekekekekeke. Ah, kyeoooooooop :333 Such a very cutie boy! Cutie boy with a cutie ukelele, hahaha. Do you guys think so?
Now, I want to show you a video which already make my laughter comes. Wait a minute :p
OMG. This kid is sooooooo cute. I don't know who he is. But, I'm very thankful to him. Bcs, I had just been in a bad mood before I watched him in that video. Then, now I feel like I'm a happy camper! Kekekekekekekekekeke. Ah, kyeoooooooop :333 Such a very cutie boy! Cutie boy with a cutie ukelele, hahaha. Do you guys think so?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
adam adam
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
10:56 AM
Aigooo, it had been such a long time I didn't post anything here.
Actually, I'm not doing a lot of things, just staying at home till October 1st :p Kinda bored, but not really bored. I've spent my time w/ my dearest laptop mostly, downloading and watching We Got Married - Jokwon Gain episodes. Yay! They are my favourite, Adam Couple ♥
You know what, I have all of their episodes, from episode one till the latest episode, hahahahahahahaha *nafsu banget ngedownloadnya*. Honestly, after watching them, I feel like all of my stress is going away from my mind.
But, they are not the only one that I love :p Do you know 2PM Nickhun and F(X) Victoria? They both also got married, named Khuntoria Couple. They are my favourite too, after the Adam Couple, hehe.
For attention. They're not really married in the real life. They're just act like husband and wife in that variety show. But, who knows? Kekeke. I think Adam Couple is not fake, I guess that they are really falling in love.
Jadi pengen nyanyi lagunya Jokwon ft. Gain, We Fell In Love. Sarangingeolkka neowa na, gateun mamilkka neowa na, uriga sarang hage dwaetdago, malhaedo doelkka...
Actually, I'm not doing a lot of things, just staying at home till October 1st :p Kinda bored, but not really bored. I've spent my time w/ my dearest laptop mostly, downloading and watching We Got Married - Jokwon Gain episodes. Yay! They are my favourite, Adam Couple ♥
You know what, I have all of their episodes, from episode one till the latest episode, hahahahahahahaha *nafsu banget ngedownloadnya*. Honestly, after watching them, I feel like all of my stress is going away from my mind.
But, they are not the only one that I love :p Do you know 2PM Nickhun and F(X) Victoria? They both also got married, named Khuntoria Couple. They are my favourite too, after the Adam Couple, hehe.
For attention. They're not really married in the real life. They're just act like husband and wife in that variety show. But, who knows? Kekeke. I think Adam Couple is not fake, I guess that they are really falling in love.
Jadi pengen nyanyi lagunya Jokwon ft. Gain, We Fell In Love. Sarangingeolkka neowa na, gateun mamilkka neowa na, uriga sarang hage dwaetdago, malhaedo doelkka...
adam couple,
khuntoria couple,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
ngga mudik
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
12:10 PM
Assalamualaikum, wr. wb ;;)
Yipppppie, lusa udah lebaran. hihi. Alhamdulilah, sampe juga ke hari kemenangan *ele*. Ah tapi sedih, karena lebaran tahun ini aku beneran NGGA MUDIK :(
Tapi ya udah gpp, soalnya >> ngga mudik = lebaran di palembang = main sama Uci sama Sara :DDD
Kemarin udah main sama mereka sih, tapi Insyaallah nanti main lagi deh, mumpung Ucinya lagi di palembang, kekeke.

Yipppppie, lusa udah lebaran. hihi. Alhamdulilah, sampe juga ke hari kemenangan *ele*. Ah tapi sedih, karena lebaran tahun ini aku beneran NGGA MUDIK :(
Tapi ya udah gpp, soalnya >> ngga mudik = lebaran di palembang = main sama Uci sama Sara :DDD
Kemarin udah main sama mereka sih, tapi Insyaallah nanti main lagi deh, mumpung Ucinya lagi di palembang, kekeke.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:14 AM
Blogiiiiiiiie ;;) How are you doing? I hope you're doing good, kekeke.
Eh, ini tanggal berapa sih? 26 ya? Udah puasa ke berapa nih? Hihihi, *ketauan ngga ngitung*. 16 ya? Eh 15? Tau ah :p Rasanya bentar lagi udah mau lebaran deh, hihihi. Tapi, kayanya tahun ini ngga mudik ke dusun nenek :'''( Aaaaaaaa, mudik aja lah, Ma. Mudik aja :'''(
Anyway, aku punya sesuatu. Bentar ya :p
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa, hahahahahahahahahahaha ga bisa berhenti ketawa deh kalo liat yang satu ini. Hahahahahahahahaha. Maafkan aku, Chul Oppa :p

Tau icon twitternya Chulie kan? Kalo ngga tau liat disini. Chulienya udah tobat sekarang, udah pake jilbab, wkwk :p Jadi, kemaren itu aku iseng aja maen sotosop. Edit edit edit, jadi deh hehehehe. Tapi editannya ngga rapi ya? Hehe maklum, bukan masternya sotosop.
Ya udah, ngga tau mau nulis apa lagi, hihi. Bye, blogie.
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Eh, ini tanggal berapa sih? 26 ya? Udah puasa ke berapa nih? Hihihi, *ketauan ngga ngitung*. 16 ya? Eh 15? Tau ah :p Rasanya bentar lagi udah mau lebaran deh, hihihi. Tapi, kayanya tahun ini ngga mudik ke dusun nenek :'''( Aaaaaaaa, mudik aja lah, Ma. Mudik aja :'''(
Anyway, aku punya sesuatu. Bentar ya :p
Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa, hahahahahahahahahahaha ga bisa berhenti ketawa deh kalo liat yang satu ini. Hahahahahahahahaha. Maafkan aku, Chul Oppa :p

Tau icon twitternya Chulie kan? Kalo ngga tau liat disini. Chulienya udah tobat sekarang, udah pake jilbab, wkwk :p Jadi, kemaren itu aku iseng aja maen sotosop. Edit edit edit, jadi deh hehehehe. Tapi editannya ngga rapi ya? Hehe maklum, bukan masternya sotosop.
Ya udah, ngga tau mau nulis apa lagi, hihi. Bye, blogie.
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Marhaban yak o Ramadhan :P
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:58 PM
Hi ;;)
Yay! Finally, it's really coming. The days that I really miss, the greatest month. Bulan Ramadhan! Yeeeee, I'm so excited :DDD
Bulan puasaku yang ke tujuh belas :333
I'm so grateful that I can still feel the beauty of this holy month, at my age right now.
Alhamdulilah, very thankful to Allah swt.
So yeaaah!
Let's enjoy it! Feel the joy! Collect a lot of rewards! Aaaaand stay away from the negative things!
Unfortunately, I can't fast at the first fasting day, I may not fast :'''(
You know, girl's problem every month =_=
Well, selamat berpuasa semuanyaaaa! :DDD
Yay! Finally, it's really coming. The days that I really miss, the greatest month. Bulan Ramadhan! Yeeeee, I'm so excited :DDD
Bulan puasaku yang ke tujuh belas :333
I'm so grateful that I can still feel the beauty of this holy month, at my age right now.
Alhamdulilah, very thankful to Allah swt.
So yeaaah!
Let's enjoy it! Feel the joy! Collect a lot of rewards! Aaaaand stay away from the negative things!
Unfortunately, I can't fast at the first fasting day, I may not fast :'''(
You know, girl's problem every month =_=
Well, selamat berpuasa semuanyaaaa! :DDD
Saturday, July 31, 2010
i'm so weird
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:20 PM
Hi, everyone! Hahahahahahaha it seems soooo weird since I update my blog for just three times in a month, hahahahaha. Forget it.
Hey, I have a new blog template! Hehe. And there's story behind it, haha.
So, since this afternoon I had have conversations w/ my very-very-very-sweet friend (lol), she's Mbot aka Pebpobs aka Pebi aka Anakku. By the way, she has a new blog. Go! Follow her! Read her postings! ;;)
So, why did I change my blog template? It's because my friend (I mentioned above, hehe) also made a new blog template. Hahahahahahahahahaha, I'm so weird.
Enough for tonight. Tomorrow is 1st August. Have a nice life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Hey, I have a new blog template! Hehe. And there's story behind it, haha.
So, since this afternoon I had have conversations w/ my very-very-very-sweet friend (lol), she's Mbot aka Pebpobs aka Pebi aka Anakku. By the way, she has a new blog. Go! Follow her! Read her postings! ;;)
So, why did I change my blog template? It's because my friend (I mentioned above, hehe) also made a new blog template. Hahahahahahahahahaha, I'm so weird.
Enough for tonight. Tomorrow is 1st August. Have a nice life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Saengil Chukha, Kim Heechul
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:39 AM
Yeaaaaaaaaah /m\
Happy Birthday, Heechul Oppa! Happy Birthday, Heenim! Happy Birthday,Cinderella! Happy Birthday, Chulie!
Oppa, please stay healthy! Oppa, please put more smiles on your face! Oppa, please be more nice to your petals! Oppa, please be a kind hyung for your dongsaengs! Oppa, please please please come to me! Hahahahahah zzz. Oppa, I wanna meet you! So, Oppa, please come to Indonesia!

(via @Heedictator)

(via @Heedictator)

(via @Heedictator)
Saranghae, Heechul Oppa! Je't aime, Heechul Oppa! I love you, Heechul Oppa! ♥♥♥
Heechul Oppa, fighting! ♥♥♥
Happy Birthday, Heechul Oppa! Happy Birthday, Heenim! Happy Birthday,Cinderella! Happy Birthday, Chulie!
Oppa, please stay healthy! Oppa, please put more smiles on your face! Oppa, please be more nice to your petals! Oppa, please be a kind hyung for your dongsaengs! Oppa, please please please come to me! Hahahahahah zzz. Oppa, I wanna meet you! So, Oppa, please come to Indonesia!

(via @Heedictator)

(via @Heedictator)

(via @Heedictator)
Saranghae, Heechul Oppa! Je't aime, Heechul Oppa! I love you, Heechul Oppa! ♥♥♥
Heechul Oppa, fighting! ♥♥♥
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
no other
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:13 PM
Hello. This is my first posting on July. Too late? Hahahahaha yeah, too late.
Allright, I'm soooooo happy right now *please ask "why?"*. What? You ask me "why?". Ya ya ya I can hear it. I'm such a fool, whatever, xoxoxoxo.
Well, I'm so happy because, teredengdeeeeeeeng, I just watched Super Junior's new music video several minutes ago! Uyeeeeeeeh, happy happy happy, happy to see my Heechul Oppa looks so handsome in that mv. Sure! He looks soooooo handsome, so adorable, uuuh i love you Oppa muah muah muah *ciri-ciri orang stres*.
The 10 guys in that mv are soooo handsome. I love that mv so much. I love that song, No Other. Let me sing a little bit, "Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh nananananananananana", xoxoxoxoxo I don't know the lyrics, just know "Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh".
I'll replay it over and over again, till bored hahahahahahahahah. Ah but how come to be bored? I'll not be bored to see them, xoxoxoxo. They're so awesome, so that I can't be bored to see them more and more.
Then, I'll show you the music video. Here it is.
Allright, I'm soooooo happy right now *please ask "why?"*. What? You ask me "why?". Ya ya ya I can hear it. I'm such a fool, whatever, xoxoxoxo.
Well, I'm so happy because, teredengdeeeeeeeng, I just watched Super Junior's new music video several minutes ago! Uyeeeeeeeh, happy happy happy, happy to see my Heechul Oppa looks so handsome in that mv. Sure! He looks soooooo handsome, so adorable, uuuh i love you Oppa muah muah muah *ciri-ciri orang stres*.
The 10 guys in that mv are soooo handsome. I love that mv so much. I love that song, No Other. Let me sing a little bit, "Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh nananananananananana", xoxoxoxoxo I don't know the lyrics, just know "Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh".
I'll replay it over and over again, till bored hahahahahahahahah. Ah but how come to be bored? I'll not be bored to see them, xoxoxoxo. They're so awesome, so that I can't be bored to see them more and more.
Then, I'll show you the music video. Here it is.
Super Junior
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
the last day of June
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:42 PM
(8 June) I got a news that I didn't want to hear. Yeah, you already knew about it, right? I failed in UMB 2010. I felt so sad, even till now. Bcs, it was the last chance for me to enter the University of Indonesia, and unfortunately I got failure.
(16 June & 17 June) Ah yeah I can't forget those day. SNMPTN 2010 held on those day. It was such a spooky day *apa deeeh*, xoxo.
(20 June) Ini juga nih, zzz. I can't forget it, too. It was when I faced USM STAN 2010.
And, tomorrow is July. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah /m\
I hope it will be a better month, xoxoxo. It means that I will hear some good news on July.
Ah, one else. My mother's birthday will be on 6th July, yeeeeeehehe.
Please stay healthy, everyone! Have a good life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
(8 June) I got a news that I didn't want to hear. Yeah, you already knew about it, right? I failed in UMB 2010. I felt so sad, even till now. Bcs, it was the last chance for me to enter the University of Indonesia, and unfortunately I got failure.
(16 June & 17 June) Ah yeah I can't forget those day. SNMPTN 2010 held on those day. It was such a spooky day *apa deeeh*, xoxo.
(20 June) Ini juga nih, zzz. I can't forget it, too. It was when I faced USM STAN 2010.
And, tomorrow is July. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah /m\
I hope it will be a better month, xoxoxo. It means that I will hear some good news on July.
Ah, one else. My mother's birthday will be on 6th July, yeeeeeehehe.
Please stay healthy, everyone! Have a good life!
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
freaky boy
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:04 AM
Kim Heechul at Young Street June, 2010
Liat tuh masa main bola di ruangan gitu? Kinda weird, Oppa! Xoxo
Kenapa sih Oppa sayang? Bandonya lepas terus ya? Sini aku yang pasangin deh. Wakakakakak!
Excited banget si Oppa. Daebak daebak daebak! Hahaha. Anyway, daebak artinya apa sih? --"
Liat tuh masa main bola di ruangan gitu? Kinda weird, Oppa! Xoxo
Kenapa sih Oppa sayang? Bandonya lepas terus ya? Sini aku yang pasangin deh. Wakakakakak!
Excited banget si Oppa. Daebak daebak daebak! Hahaha. Anyway, daebak artinya apa sih? --"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
she's gone
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:27 AM
My best friend ever, Suci Rezky Fatiyah, has already left us *me and Sara*. She went to Bogor to continue her study in IPB. Actually, I was not glad to know that she would leave me. But now, I try to let her go. Please be nice and be healthy in there, my lovely chum!
Anyway, one day before she went to Bogor, I and Sara went to her home and made a little surprise, xoxo. Actually, on that day, we must went together, hanging out. But, Uci didn't feel well.
I and Sara gave her some presents, xoxo. I gave her videos, videos about us and about Ryeowook Oppa, why Ryeowook Oppa? It's because Uci is starting to love Ryeowook Oppa, hahaha. And Sara gave her "horta", like a plant, discovery of IPB, do you know that? It's a unique stuff.
Then, Uci texted me and said that she was deeply moved by watching the videos that I made for her. And she said that she will never ever forget me and Sara. I've been so happy to know that.
Well, may be she's already in Bogor now. I just can say, please take care of yourself! Bye, Uci. See you next time! :*
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Anyway, one day before she went to Bogor, I and Sara went to her home and made a little surprise, xoxo. Actually, on that day, we must went together, hanging out. But, Uci didn't feel well.
I and Sara gave her some presents, xoxo. I gave her videos, videos about us and about Ryeowook Oppa, why Ryeowook Oppa? It's because Uci is starting to love Ryeowook Oppa, hahaha. And Sara gave her "horta", like a plant, discovery of IPB, do you know that? It's a unique stuff.
Then, Uci texted me and said that she was deeply moved by watching the videos that I made for her. And she said that she will never ever forget me and Sara. I've been so happy to know that.
Well, may be she's already in Bogor now. I just can say, please take care of yourself! Bye, Uci. See you next time! :*
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:51 PM
Hello, how are you doing? I think it had been a long time I didn't post anything in my blog. Now I have some news for you.
First, result of UMB 2010.
Damn, I failed again. I feel so useless, for my parent especially. Till now, I can't make them proud yet. I regret my fault. Now, there's no more chance for me to enter the University of Indonesia. So, good bye.
Second, about SNMPTN 2010.
I had done it. I don't want to fail anymore. I wanna get success by this way.
First, result of UMB 2010.

Second, about SNMPTN 2010.
I had done it. I don't want to fail anymore. I wanna get success by this way.
It hurts, it hurts when you know that you fail to get something that you want
UMB 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
have a nice sunday!
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:41 AM
Good morning. This is sunday, right? What will you do to spend your sunday?
I think I will just stay at home and study more. It's because the day *SNMPTN & USM-STAN* comes more closer. I'm kinda afraid to face the test. So, better I study more.
Have a nice sunday ya, everyone! Smiiiiiiiile :) Cheeeeeers :)
I think I will just stay at home and study more. It's because the day *SNMPTN & USM-STAN* comes more closer. I'm kinda afraid to face the test. So, better I study more.
Have a nice sunday ya, everyone! Smiiiiiiiile :) Cheeeeeers :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
he's not nice
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
1:19 PM
and then,
Heechul did it. So, now how can I call him as NICEHEENIM? Lol. Mianhae Oppa. But, you're so naughty. Later, I want to see you to be like #poorDonghae and #poorShindong. Hahahahaha.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
my wishes
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
2:17 PM
Good afternoon, everyone.
Argh, now I am in a bad situation. The electricity in my house dead, lived, and then dead again. What the?! And I am alone. Argh. It's raining outside and there's a horrific lightning. God, please save me. Hiks.
Anyway, did you already have your lunch? I did. I had a plate of rice and two sausage. That's too much, I think. But, I was so hungry. So, I decided to take double portions. And now, I am full. Thanks, God. Lol.
I want to scream, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's five days going to the day when the result appears. The result of UMB 2010. Oh my, I want to hear a good news on that day. I want to see my father and my mother smile.
Guys, have you ever heard that Wonder Girl will come to Indonesia on June? Or maybe you've already had the ticket of their concert? My best friend, Sara, and I really want to go to Wonder Girl's concert. Even she has already asked her brother to try getting the ticket for us (her brother works in a company which also participate in organizing the concert). And may be, we can get the ticket soon. But, the problem is ... jeng jeng jeng. I have already told to my mother that I want to go to Jakarta to attend Wonder Girl's Concert. Then my mother says "NO". She doesn't allow me to attend the concert. Hiks aaaaaargh. But, if I get success in UMB 2010 *amin*, maybe she will let me go to Wonder Girl's concert. Well, it's a must, right? Ah, mamaaaaaa. And if I fail? *nauzdubilah*. Uuuuuu, I want to see my rival *in getting Heechul Oppa*, Ahn Sohee. I wanna see how beautiful she is. Lol. I want to see Wonder Girl and Indonesia Open, too. Indonesian Open will be held on June, 22. I wanna see my Greysia Polii and my Liliyana Natsir. God, help meeee.
Well, I just can pray. Pray for myself. I hope I'll get success through UMB 2010 and get the university that I want. I hope I can see Wonder Girl. I hope I can watch Indonesian Open 2010. I beg your prayer too, guys.
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Argh, now I am in a bad situation. The electricity in my house dead, lived, and then dead again. What the?! And I am alone. Argh. It's raining outside and there's a horrific lightning. God, please save me. Hiks.
Anyway, did you already have your lunch? I did. I had a plate of rice and two sausage. That's too much, I think. But, I was so hungry. So, I decided to take double portions. And now, I am full. Thanks, God. Lol.
I want to scream, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's five days going to the day when the result appears. The result of UMB 2010. Oh my, I want to hear a good news on that day. I want to see my father and my mother smile.
Guys, have you ever heard that Wonder Girl will come to Indonesia on June? Or maybe you've already had the ticket of their concert? My best friend, Sara, and I really want to go to Wonder Girl's concert. Even she has already asked her brother to try getting the ticket for us (her brother works in a company which also participate in organizing the concert). And may be, we can get the ticket soon. But, the problem is ... jeng jeng jeng. I have already told to my mother that I want to go to Jakarta to attend Wonder Girl's Concert. Then my mother says "NO". She doesn't allow me to attend the concert. Hiks aaaaaargh. But, if I get success in UMB 2010 *amin*, maybe she will let me go to Wonder Girl's concert. Well, it's a must, right? Ah, mamaaaaaa. And if I fail? *nauzdubilah*. Uuuuuu, I want to see my rival *in getting Heechul Oppa*, Ahn Sohee. I wanna see how beautiful she is. Lol. I want to see Wonder Girl and Indonesia Open, too. Indonesian Open will be held on June, 22. I wanna see my Greysia Polii and my Liliyana Natsir. God, help meeee.
Well, I just can pray. Pray for myself. I hope I'll get success through UMB 2010 and get the university that I want. I hope I can see Wonder Girl. I hope I can watch Indonesian Open 2010. I beg your prayer too, guys.
Love, Mirna Nadia.
Greysia Polii,
UMB 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
he calls her "princess"
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
2:37 PM
Hello, June.
Yesterday was like a bad day for me. That was terrible that I saw Heechul and Sohee was being together in a reality show. I was getting mad because Heechul Oppa called Sohee as his "princess". What the?! Then, Heechul Oppa also said that he can't do anything if he looked at Sohee, what did he mean?! And Sohee, she just could smile smile and smile.
Anyway, why did I turn out this way? Why? Ah Heechul Oppa, you have been disturbing my life. I want to be your princess, too. Lol.
See? Oh my. They seemed like they enjoy it. Aaaaaaaah I don't like it.
Ah you make me jealous, Oppa! And you Sohee! I envy you.
Ya ya ya. Actually you don't need to be shy, Oppa. Hahahahaha.
Yesterday was like a bad day for me. That was terrible that I saw Heechul and Sohee was being together in a reality show. I was getting mad because Heechul Oppa called Sohee as his "princess". What the?! Then, Heechul Oppa also said that he can't do anything if he looked at Sohee, what did he mean?! And Sohee, she just could smile smile and smile.
Anyway, why did I turn out this way? Why? Ah Heechul Oppa, you have been disturbing my life. I want to be your princess, too. Lol.
See? Oh my. They seemed like they enjoy it. Aaaaaaaah I don't like it.
Ah you make me jealous, Oppa! And you Sohee! I envy you.
Ya ya ya. Actually you don't need to be shy, Oppa. Hahahahaha.
Monday, May 31, 2010
my prayer
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
2:19 PM
University of Indonesia. I want to wear its yellow uniform. I want to go to the campus with its yellow bus. I want it so bad.
I wish i have a good news on June 8, 2010.
May Allah swt hear what i want. May Allah swt fulfill my desire.
Amin. Amin. Amin.
I wish i have a good news on June 8, 2010.
May Allah swt hear what i want. May Allah swt fulfill my desire.
Amin. Amin. Amin.
UMB 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Hee to the Chul
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:16 PM
gee, how are you, my dearest blog? i'm so sorry. i don't mean to forget you. i just haven't so much time to writing in my blog. but actually, i am lazy, hahahaha.
so what will i write tonight? hahaha even i don't know what i must write.
how about talking about Heechul? huh do you interested in? *don't know ask to who lol*
okay, i will write some about Heechul. Kim Heechul. milky skin Kim Heechul yo saranghae. haha
his name is Kim Heechul *that's what i know*. he is Super Junior member, yeah. i saw him at the first time when i watched the unoriginal dvd *ups* of SuShow 1 which i borrowed from my friend. i didn't really like him at that time. his hairstyle at that time is not really my appetite! so strange, so weird, so nerd *i am sorry Oppa*. he mostly looked like a woman zzzzzzzzzzzz.
but then, i just saw him on some videos of him which i download from youtube. ah i know that he always change his hairstyle. and when he looks like man, omooooo i feel like i love him so much. but, when i saw him in a-woman-style, bleeeeeh i hate it.
i also know that he has ... emmmm what we call in english, argh i forget, yeah like hati yang lembut atau perasa? ya something like that. i know it from his eyes. i never met him before, but i know, i can read his eyes. he's kind of person that can hide his sadness inside and always show his happiness in front of people though he's sad indeed *oh just like me*. i don't know it is true or not, it's just guessing. but i think, i am true, hahahaha.
anyway, i've heard that Heechul likes Sohee from wonder girl? i support him. bahahahahaha. i think, they are matched. but Heechul Oppa is too old for Sohee, hehehe i am sorry again, Oppa.
i'll show you his picture. yeah, here he is, cool right? aaaa. but now, his hair not like in this below picture. his hair now look like justin bieber's hair hahahahaha. mianhae Oppa. you're still cool.
i think it's enough. hahahahaha. i must study. so, byeeeee. see you next time.
so what will i write tonight? hahaha even i don't know what i must write.
how about talking about Heechul? huh do you interested in? *don't know ask to who lol*
okay, i will write some about Heechul. Kim Heechul. milky skin Kim Heechul yo saranghae. haha
his name is Kim Heechul *that's what i know*. he is Super Junior member, yeah. i saw him at the first time when i watched the unoriginal dvd *ups* of SuShow 1 which i borrowed from my friend. i didn't really like him at that time. his hairstyle at that time is not really my appetite! so strange, so weird, so nerd *i am sorry Oppa*. he mostly looked like a woman zzzzzzzzzzzz.
but then, i just saw him on some videos of him which i download from youtube. ah i know that he always change his hairstyle. and when he looks like man, omooooo i feel like i love him so much. but, when i saw him in a-woman-style, bleeeeeh i hate it.
i also know that he has ... emmmm what we call in english, argh i forget, yeah like hati yang lembut atau perasa? ya something like that. i know it from his eyes. i never met him before, but i know, i can read his eyes. he's kind of person that can hide his sadness inside and always show his happiness in front of people though he's sad indeed *oh just like me*. i don't know it is true or not, it's just guessing. but i think, i am true, hahahaha.
anyway, i've heard that Heechul likes Sohee from wonder girl? i support him. bahahahahaha. i think, they are matched. but Heechul Oppa is too old for Sohee, hehehe i am sorry again, Oppa.
i'll show you his picture. yeah, here he is, cool right? aaaa. but now, his hair not like in this below picture. his hair now look like justin bieber's hair hahahahaha. mianhae Oppa. you're still cool.

Super Junior
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
my tears are for Kangin actually
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:44 PM
i just found on youtube, the video of the Super Junior's fansmeeting. then, i downloaded it to my pc. i got surprise when i saw that vid. Kangin appeared on the fansmeeting. oh my god, i cried directly when i saw Heechul cried on that vid. my tears went down so much from my eyes when i saw Heechul kept his hand on Kangin's, he hold Kangin's hand strengthly.
there's really kinda sadness in my heart. though i'm not an ELF, though i just like them lately, i can feel what ELF feels. they're all (Super Junior member & ELF) must feel so hard to let Kangin go to army. i know it for sure.
anyway, i'm so sorry to know that Hankyung also must resign from Super Junior. may the management will regret about what they did to Hankyung.
actually, i also want Kangin, Hankyung, and Kibum back to Super Junior, being together in their new album, just like ELF wants. they're soooo amazing if they're together, if they're thirteen, not jus ten.
here is the video :'(
there's really kinda sadness in my heart. though i'm not an ELF, though i just like them lately, i can feel what ELF feels. they're all (Super Junior member & ELF) must feel so hard to let Kangin go to army. i know it for sure.
anyway, i'm so sorry to know that Hankyung also must resign from Super Junior. may the management will regret about what they did to Hankyung.
actually, i also want Kangin, Hankyung, and Kibum back to Super Junior, being together in their new album, just like ELF wants. they're soooo amazing if they're together, if they're thirteen, not jus ten.
here is the video :'(
Super Junior
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:39 AM

the result was bad. but, there's no regret in my mind. because that's my fault. I didn't study hard at that time.
I apologize to my parents because I couldn't get them happy yet. but I promise, I'll make them happy soon.
anyway, selamet ya buat yang lulus di SIMAK UI 2010. you're so lucky.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Teksip Unsri 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:31 PM
hasil TRY OUT 1 di GO cukup menggembirakan nih. hehehehehehehe. tapi belum mencapai target sih. but it's okay.
Pilihan pertama : FKG UI
Pilihan kedua : FKG UNSRI
Pilihan ketiga : TEKSIP UNSRI
*salah pilih tuh hahaha aku kan ipc tapi pilihannya ipa semua. maaf dah waktu itu bawaan ngantuk sih. jd ngga sadar kalo milih jurusan ipa semua. hahahaha.*
nah hasilnya tadi sih aku udah liat. ALHAMDULILAH passing grade aku 31% koma berapa gitu aku lupa. yah lumayanlah ya dibandingin sm TO jaman bahulak dulu yg cuma dapet 13%. dan aku jujur loh kemarin ngga pake cheating. Insyaallah murni jawabanku sendiri. dan mudah-mudahan TRY OUT yang kedua hasilnya bisa lebih bagus dari yang pertama. AMIN.
tapi tapi tapi passing grade 31% itu udah pasti ngga menjamin buat masuk FKG UI. masih kurang 10% lagi (omooooooo --"). buat FKG Unsri aja masih kurang 1%-an lagi. untung Teksip Unsri lewat, fiuh.
yah aku berharap nanti makin meningkat dan makin meningkat. jadi nanti pas yang benerannya bisa sampai memenuhi target. AMIN.
Pilihan pertama : FKG UI
Pilihan kedua : FKG UNSRI
Pilihan ketiga : TEKSIP UNSRI
*salah pilih tuh hahaha aku kan ipc tapi pilihannya ipa semua. maaf dah waktu itu bawaan ngantuk sih. jd ngga sadar kalo milih jurusan ipa semua. hahahaha.*
nah hasilnya tadi sih aku udah liat. ALHAMDULILAH passing grade aku 31% koma berapa gitu aku lupa. yah lumayanlah ya dibandingin sm TO jaman bahulak dulu yg cuma dapet 13%. dan aku jujur loh kemarin ngga pake cheating. Insyaallah murni jawabanku sendiri. dan mudah-mudahan TRY OUT yang kedua hasilnya bisa lebih bagus dari yang pertama. AMIN.
tapi tapi tapi passing grade 31% itu udah pasti ngga menjamin buat masuk FKG UI. masih kurang 10% lagi (omooooooo --"). buat FKG Unsri aja masih kurang 1%-an lagi. untung Teksip Unsri lewat, fiuh.
yah aku berharap nanti makin meningkat dan makin meningkat. jadi nanti pas yang benerannya bisa sampai memenuhi target. AMIN.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
i assume that they are cool
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:43 PM
SUPER JUNIOR. bah gilaaaaaaa, aku baru sadar kalo mereka memang keren --". selamat buat Sara dan Bilqis yang udah sukses ngebuat aku simpatik sama Super Junior hahaha. well guys both of you are right. they are cool. so cool.
Super Junior
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
12:39 PM
selamat datang bulan mei. semoga lebih baik dari bulan april. semoga semua rencana saya di bulan mei berjalan dengan lancar. semoga besok, tepatnya tanggal dua mei, saya bisa menjawab soal-soal tes masuk telkom dengan baik dan benar. semoga nanti, tanggal sembilan mei, saya bisa nonton Thomas Uber Cup 2010 tanpa hambatan apapun (e.g les, mati lampu, dll). semoga *ini yang paling penting* nanti pas tanggal duapuluh dua mei, saya bisa menjawab soal-soal UMB dengan sempurna. AMIN. AMIN YA RABBAL ALAMIN.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
6:57 PM
ih apa deh ya titlenya ALHAMDULILAH GUE LULUS *sok pake bahasa gaul deh wkwk*. well, pokoknya aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus deh. aku lulus. aku lulus. aku lulus. oke cukup hehehehe.
kawaaaaan, sungguh senang hatiku, turun panas demamku *loh?* yak aku seneng sekali hari ini karena aku dinyatakan lulus. aku lulus dari putih abu-abu. aku lulus dari ujian nasional. aku lulus dari ujian sekolah. aku lulus aku lulus aku lulus.
tapi kawaaaaan, aku juga sedih. karena sekolahku yang bertitle UNGGULAN :( mesti ngerelain 28 siswanya untuk tidak lulus dalam ujian nasional. benar-benar sebuah cobaan, kawan! karena baru tahun ini sekolahku gagal membuat siswanya lulus 100%. dan aku tambah sedih lagi karena dua dari teman kelasku termasuk dalam siswa yang tidak lulus tersebut. aku cuma memohon satu pada-Mu Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hati mereka.
well finally, i just want to say, i feel pleasure, so pleasure. but i also want to say that i'm so sorry for my friends who just not lucky yet.
kawaaaaan, sungguh senang hatiku, turun panas demamku *loh?* yak aku seneng sekali hari ini karena aku dinyatakan lulus. aku lulus dari putih abu-abu. aku lulus dari ujian nasional. aku lulus dari ujian sekolah. aku lulus aku lulus aku lulus.
tapi kawaaaaan, aku juga sedih. karena sekolahku yang bertitle UNGGULAN :( mesti ngerelain 28 siswanya untuk tidak lulus dalam ujian nasional. benar-benar sebuah cobaan, kawan! karena baru tahun ini sekolahku gagal membuat siswanya lulus 100%. dan aku tambah sedih lagi karena dua dari teman kelasku termasuk dalam siswa yang tidak lulus tersebut. aku cuma memohon satu pada-Mu Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hati mereka.
well finally, i just want to say, i feel pleasure, so pleasure. but i also want to say that i'm so sorry for my friends who just not lucky yet.
Friday, April 23, 2010
support moril dari mama :')
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:57 PM

sekitar empat puluh lima menit yang lalu, di ruang 212, di hadapan banyak orang *ga tau anak tingkat berapa* akhirnyaaaaaa topik yang aku ajuin buat paper nanti diterima juga sama first advisor ku. The Ways to Avoid The Bad Effects of Drinking Coffee. jerengjengjengjeng :')
dari kemaren udah uring-uringan aja deh di rumah. merengek-rengek ke mama mau minta postpone aja. habisnya aku binguuuuuuung mau ngajuin topik apa lagi kalo topik yang tadi ngga diterima juga. tapi alhamdulilah akhirnya diterima wey. ngga jadi deh postpone-nya hihihihi :')
kemaren, aku nangis sejadi-sejadinya di depan mama. pokoknya mah aku bilang ke mama kalo aku mau postpone aja. tapi kata mama "Ah itu belum seberapa nak. Mama dulu waktu bikin skripsi, pas mau sarjana muda, ngajuin topik kaya ina gitu susahnya minta ampun. Mama sampe dimaenin sama dosennya. Dosennya nyuruh mama ke rumah dia eh dianya malah ngga ada. Berkali-kali loh itu nak! Ina baru berapa kali ketemu sama miss itu?". terus aku cuma bergumam aja "Heeeeeeem". terus mama lanjut ngomong nih "Mama dulu waktu kuliah sendirian ndak pernah nangis. Kaya mama dong, tegar. Jangan pantang menyerah. Kalo mau ketemu dosen atau guru itu baca Al-Fatihah 3x, baca Qulhu 3x, dan baca Walasri 3x."
mama mama mama. it means a lot to me, ma. thanks ma for always being beside me when i need you. mama, you're my all. mama i looooooooooove you :')
Thursday, April 22, 2010
aku ingin menyerah saja :'(
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
3:36 PM
aku adalah salah satu siswa tingkat terakhir di salah satu lembaga bahasa asing. and as a requirement to graduate from this HI-4 level, i have to make a paper. yah aku taunya udah dari lama sih ya, dari aku masuk lembaga bahasa asing tersebut juga aku udah tau kalo nanti ditingkat akhir aku harus bikin paper *kaya skripsi gitu*. tapi aku baru tau kalo bikin paper itu ngga semudah yang aku bayangkan :'(
sudah kurang lebih delapan topik yang aku ajukan ke first advisor aku. dan kedelapan topik tersebut ditolak semua. aku ngga ngerasa dikasih alasan yang jelas sama first advisor ku kenapa topik-topik itu ditolak. itu yang bikin aku down :'(
sedangkan ada temenku yang ngajuin topik dan ditolak juga tapi first advisor itu ngasih opsi lain. jadi dia nge-suggest topik baru ke temen aku. nah kenapa ngga kaya gitu juga ke aku? kenapa? :'(
firs advisor ku ngga adil. aku udah ngga mood lagi buat mikirin topik yang lain. aku malah mikir buat nyerah ajalah. terus aku bilang ke mama kalo aku mau berhenti aja. aku ngga mau ngelanjutin lagi. aku mau fokus belajar buat tes masuk perguruan tinggi aja :'(
aku ngga sanggup :'(
sudah kurang lebih delapan topik yang aku ajukan ke first advisor aku. dan kedelapan topik tersebut ditolak semua. aku ngga ngerasa dikasih alasan yang jelas sama first advisor ku kenapa topik-topik itu ditolak. itu yang bikin aku down :'(
sedangkan ada temenku yang ngajuin topik dan ditolak juga tapi first advisor itu ngasih opsi lain. jadi dia nge-suggest topik baru ke temen aku. nah kenapa ngga kaya gitu juga ke aku? kenapa? :'(
firs advisor ku ngga adil. aku udah ngga mood lagi buat mikirin topik yang lain. aku malah mikir buat nyerah ajalah. terus aku bilang ke mama kalo aku mau berhenti aja. aku ngga mau ngelanjutin lagi. aku mau fokus belajar buat tes masuk perguruan tinggi aja :'(
aku ngga sanggup :'(
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hey Jude
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:45 AM
Hey Jude don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And any time you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Da da da da da
da da da da
Hey Jude don't let me down
You have found her now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Da da da da da
da da da da Yeah
Hey Jude don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better
Better, better, better, better, better, Yeah,Yeah,Yeah
kata papa, lagunya The Beatles yang judulnya Hey Jude itu lagu pas aku,andre, sama ayuk eda belom lahir *yaiyaaaalah pa hahaha*. papa kayanya suka banget deh sama lagu yang satu ini. soalnya tiap aku puterin lagu ini, si papa ikutan nyanyi juga hahahaha. lagunya bagus sih ya. sebenernya ngga cuma Hey Jude aja yang bagus, yang lain juga bagus semua. The Beatles :D
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And any time you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Da da da da da
da da da da
Hey Jude don't let me down
You have found her now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Da da da da da
da da da da Yeah
Hey Jude don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you'll begin to make it better
Better, better, better, better, better, Yeah,Yeah,Yeah
kata papa, lagunya The Beatles yang judulnya Hey Jude itu lagu pas aku,andre, sama ayuk eda belom lahir *yaiyaaaalah pa hahaha*. papa kayanya suka banget deh sama lagu yang satu ini. soalnya tiap aku puterin lagu ini, si papa ikutan nyanyi juga hahahaha. lagunya bagus sih ya. sebenernya ngga cuma Hey Jude aja yang bagus, yang lain juga bagus semua. The Beatles :D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
07.00 - 12.30
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
1:58 PM
tadi pagi aku udah mulai intensif snmptn di go *padahal mulainya udah dari kemarin hihi*. aku ambil program ipc karenaaaa kan di UMB aku pilih yang ipc dan mau ga mau aku juga harus belajar ekonomi dan kawan-kawannya. it's okay sih tapi booooooooook jam belajarnya itu loh. ampun dah udah kaya sekolah aja. dari pagi sampe siang mesti belajar. ngiks. tapi ga apa-apalah toh buat kebaikan aku juga. ngiks. ayoooooo na kan mau lulus UMB FKG-UI? :D
anyway, ngomongin intensif jadi inget UMB. inget UMB jadi inget jurusan yang aku pilih *lebih tepatnya aku dan mama*. malem itu pas dafar online kan harus udah nentuin jurusannya. nih aku sebutin jurusan yang aku dan mamaku pilih.
1. Fakultas Kedokteran - Universitas Indonesia
2. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi - Universitas Indonesia
3. Fakultas Kedokteran - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
4. Hubungan Internasional - Universitas Indonesia
kaget ngaaaa? ngiks. jangan pada mikir kalo aku ini pinter yah gara-gara milih jurusan diatas. aku jelasin alasannya kenapa aku dan mama milih jurusan-jurusan itu ya.
pertama FK UI. terus terang aku sama sekali ga kepikiran buat milih jurusan itu. sumpah! -.- tapi mama tuuuuuuh. kata mama "masa FKG terus sih yang diutamain nak? udah pilihan pertama FK aja". gitu kata mama, yaudah deh nyenengin hati orang tua aja aku mah. maaf maaf deh ya ma kalo ina ga lulus di pilihan pertama. FK gitu loh? UI lagi! ngga yaaaaaakin -.-
kedua FKG UI. ga usah dijelasin lagi deh heheh. aku emang pengen banget banget banget masuk FKG. sebenernya sih terserah FKG di universitas mana aja *asal jangan di uncen dan sekitarnya hehe*. tapi ga ada salahnya kan aku mempunyai impian dan berharap untuk kuliah di FKG UI? setiap orang punya kesempatan yang sama. dan aku ngga akan menyia-nyiakan kesempatan itu :D
ketiga FK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. hehehehe itu pilihan yang asal comot aja. karena di UMB univeritasnya gitu-gitu semua sih cuma UI doang yang yaaaah taulah gimana *ini menurut aku jadi jangan marah hehe*. pas aku liat ada FK di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah ya udah aku pilih yang itu aja. aku jg keinget kata temenku FK disitu juga bagus, dosennya dosen UI semua *emang bener ya?* hehehehe oh iya daya tampungnya dikit banget loh cuma delapan -.-
keempat HI UI. nah yang ini yan paling ngawur. keinginan mama ku tuh. ngiks. sebenernya aku maunya sastra inggris UI aja tapi kata mama ambil HI aja. ya udah deh nurut aja lah. padahal HI? yaaaaaampun emangnya aku pinter banget apa bisa masuk HI? HI-UI lagi? mamaaaaaaah -.-
well, aku sama sekali ngga bermaksud untuk tinggi hati atau terlalu percaya diri. aku malah minder minder minder setengah mati. mana pilihan aku yang yahud semua padahal otakku juga ngga ngejamin aku bisa masuk situ. ngiks. tapi aku tetep optimis. aku tau semuanya itu Allah yang mengatur. dan kalau aku ditakdirkan-Nya untuk kuliah di FK-UI atau FKG-UI atau FK-UIN Syarif Hidayatullah atau di HI-UI atau tidak sama sekali di keempat pilihan tersebut, aku akan menerimanya dengan jiwa yang besar.
sekarang aku cuma bisa belajar semaksimal mungkin dan berdoa, meminta kepada-Nya agar diberikan yang terbaik. mohon doanya juga ya teman-teman :D
anyway, ngomongin intensif jadi inget UMB. inget UMB jadi inget jurusan yang aku pilih *lebih tepatnya aku dan mama*. malem itu pas dafar online kan harus udah nentuin jurusannya. nih aku sebutin jurusan yang aku dan mamaku pilih.
1. Fakultas Kedokteran - Universitas Indonesia
2. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi - Universitas Indonesia
3. Fakultas Kedokteran - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
4. Hubungan Internasional - Universitas Indonesia
kaget ngaaaa? ngiks. jangan pada mikir kalo aku ini pinter yah gara-gara milih jurusan diatas. aku jelasin alasannya kenapa aku dan mama milih jurusan-jurusan itu ya.
pertama FK UI. terus terang aku sama sekali ga kepikiran buat milih jurusan itu. sumpah! -.- tapi mama tuuuuuuh. kata mama "masa FKG terus sih yang diutamain nak? udah pilihan pertama FK aja". gitu kata mama, yaudah deh nyenengin hati orang tua aja aku mah. maaf maaf deh ya ma kalo ina ga lulus di pilihan pertama. FK gitu loh? UI lagi! ngga yaaaaaakin -.-
kedua FKG UI. ga usah dijelasin lagi deh heheh. aku emang pengen banget banget banget masuk FKG. sebenernya sih terserah FKG di universitas mana aja *asal jangan di uncen dan sekitarnya hehe*. tapi ga ada salahnya kan aku mempunyai impian dan berharap untuk kuliah di FKG UI? setiap orang punya kesempatan yang sama. dan aku ngga akan menyia-nyiakan kesempatan itu :D
ketiga FK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. hehehehe itu pilihan yang asal comot aja. karena di UMB univeritasnya gitu-gitu semua sih cuma UI doang yang yaaaah taulah gimana *ini menurut aku jadi jangan marah hehe*. pas aku liat ada FK di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah ya udah aku pilih yang itu aja. aku jg keinget kata temenku FK disitu juga bagus, dosennya dosen UI semua *emang bener ya?* hehehehe oh iya daya tampungnya dikit banget loh cuma delapan -.-
keempat HI UI. nah yang ini yan paling ngawur. keinginan mama ku tuh. ngiks. sebenernya aku maunya sastra inggris UI aja tapi kata mama ambil HI aja. ya udah deh nurut aja lah. padahal HI? yaaaaaampun emangnya aku pinter banget apa bisa masuk HI? HI-UI lagi? mamaaaaaaah -.-
well, aku sama sekali ngga bermaksud untuk tinggi hati atau terlalu percaya diri. aku malah minder minder minder setengah mati. mana pilihan aku yang yahud semua padahal otakku juga ngga ngejamin aku bisa masuk situ. ngiks. tapi aku tetep optimis. aku tau semuanya itu Allah yang mengatur. dan kalau aku ditakdirkan-Nya untuk kuliah di FK-UI atau FKG-UI atau FK-UIN Syarif Hidayatullah atau di HI-UI atau tidak sama sekali di keempat pilihan tersebut, aku akan menerimanya dengan jiwa yang besar.
sekarang aku cuma bisa belajar semaksimal mungkin dan berdoa, meminta kepada-Nya agar diberikan yang terbaik. mohon doanya juga ya teman-teman :D
ternyata mereka juga bisa tersenyum
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
1:53 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
6:18 PM
tadi ga sengaja ketemu ini di kaskus. langsung baca aja ya.
Arthur Ashe adalah petenis kulit hitam dari amerika yang memenagkan tiga gelar juara Grand Slam; US Open (1968), Australia Open (1970), dan Wimbledon (1975).
Pada tahun 1979 ia terkena serangan jantung yang mengharuskannya menjalani operasi bypass. Setelah dua kali operasi, bukannya sumbuh ia malah harus meghadapi kenyataan pahit, terinfeksi HIV melalui transfusi darah yang ia terima.

Seorang penggemarnya menulis surat kepadanya, “Mengapa Tuhan memilihmu untuk menderita penyakit itu?”
Ashe menjawab, “Di dunia ini ada 50 juta anak yang ingin bermain tenis, diantaranya 5 juta orang yang bias belajar bermain tenis,
500 ribu orang belajar menjadi pemain tenis profesional,
50 ribu orang datang ke arena untuk bertanding,
5000 orang mencapai turnamen grandslam,
50 orang berhasil sampai ke Wimbledon
4 orang di semifinal, 2 orang berlaga di Final.
Dan ketika saya mengangkat trofi Wimbledon, saya tidak pernah bertanya kepada Tuhan,
“Mengapa saya?”, Jadi ketika sekarang saya dalam kesakitan, tidak seharusnya juga saya bertanya kepada Tuhan,
“Mengapa saya?”
Sadar atau tidak, kerap kali kita merasa hanya pantas menerima hal-hal baik dalam hidup ini; kesuksesan, karier yang mulus, kesehatan. Ketika yang kita terima justru sebaliknya; penyakit, kesulitan, kegagalan, kita menganggap Tuhan tidak adil. Sehingga kita merasa berhak untuk menggugat Tuhan.
Tetapi demikian. Ia berbeda dengan kebanyakan orang. Itulah cerminan hidup beriman; tetap teguh dalam pengharapan, pun bila beban hidup yang menekan berat.
Ketika menerima sesuatu yang buruk, ingatlah saat-saat ketika kita menerima yang baik…
“Winning horse doesn’t know why it runs the race. It runs because of beats and pain. Life is a race, God is your rider. So if u are in a pain, then think, God want You to Win”
gimana? hebat ya? aku salut deh :)
Arthur Ashe adalah petenis kulit hitam dari amerika yang memenagkan tiga gelar juara Grand Slam; US Open (1968), Australia Open (1970), dan Wimbledon (1975).
Pada tahun 1979 ia terkena serangan jantung yang mengharuskannya menjalani operasi bypass. Setelah dua kali operasi, bukannya sumbuh ia malah harus meghadapi kenyataan pahit, terinfeksi HIV melalui transfusi darah yang ia terima.
Seorang penggemarnya menulis surat kepadanya, “Mengapa Tuhan memilihmu untuk menderita penyakit itu?”
Ashe menjawab, “Di dunia ini ada 50 juta anak yang ingin bermain tenis, diantaranya 5 juta orang yang bias belajar bermain tenis,
500 ribu orang belajar menjadi pemain tenis profesional,
50 ribu orang datang ke arena untuk bertanding,
5000 orang mencapai turnamen grandslam,
50 orang berhasil sampai ke Wimbledon
4 orang di semifinal, 2 orang berlaga di Final.
Dan ketika saya mengangkat trofi Wimbledon, saya tidak pernah bertanya kepada Tuhan,
“Mengapa saya?”, Jadi ketika sekarang saya dalam kesakitan, tidak seharusnya juga saya bertanya kepada Tuhan,
“Mengapa saya?”
Sadar atau tidak, kerap kali kita merasa hanya pantas menerima hal-hal baik dalam hidup ini; kesuksesan, karier yang mulus, kesehatan. Ketika yang kita terima justru sebaliknya; penyakit, kesulitan, kegagalan, kita menganggap Tuhan tidak adil. Sehingga kita merasa berhak untuk menggugat Tuhan.
Tetapi demikian. Ia berbeda dengan kebanyakan orang. Itulah cerminan hidup beriman; tetap teguh dalam pengharapan, pun bila beban hidup yang menekan berat.
Ketika menerima sesuatu yang buruk, ingatlah saat-saat ketika kita menerima yang baik…
“Winning horse doesn’t know why it runs the race. It runs because of beats and pain. Life is a race, God is your rider. So if u are in a pain, then think, God want You to Win”
gimana? hebat ya? aku salut deh :)
my note
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:48 PM
haloooooooooooo haha maaf agak lama ya ga buat postingan di blog *biasalah orang sibuk* haha ga ding emang akunya aja males.
tadi aku bikin note di facebook loh *siapa yang nanya*
notenya tentang temen-temen sekolah hehehe berhubung udah mau pisah huhuh jd sedih
ini aku copy-paste-in ya hahahaha
aku ikut bikin note juga ya? hehe. sebenarnya sudah lama aku mau membuat note ini untuk kalian tapi aku lupoooo terus hahahaha.
oke langsung ya?
tapi mulai darimano lah enaknyo? hahahaha *nak keno tabok nian*
well, actually i don't wanna make you sad by tagging you in this note, but i just want you to know that i will never ever forget you!
mungkin tiga tahun adalah waktu yang sangat singkat. sangat singkat untuk kita bisa mengenal satu sama lain. namun tiga tahun terakhir adalah tiga tahun yang sangat berarti untuk aku. aku tahu beberapa dari kalian memiliki karakter atau tingkah laku seperti dibawah ini.
ado yang sering marah-marah dak jelas (mael)
ado yang nagih duit terus (tiara)
ado yang dak berenti ketawo (sara)
ado yang gawenyo ngatoi uong tu lah (billy)
ado yang pacaran bae gawenyo (fahmi & elisa atau fahmi & lusy ??? hahaha)
ado yang mukonyo galak aneh dan terlihat sangat abstrak (moyes & hevin)
ado yang cak kegantengan (harry hahaha peace)
ado yang kaya maho hahaha (mo & rizan)
ado yang gawenyo dak berenti tu lah belajar (uci dan teo (?) hahaha)
ado yang gawenyo dak berenti tu lah bekipas (indah pp)
ado yang jago maen basket (windu)
dan lain-lain laaaaaah. pokoknya semua orang di kelas XII IA 2 adalah orang-orang yang unik, aneh, luar biasa, dan sulit sekali dideskripikan dengan kata-kata hahaha. dan maaf sebelumnya, aku tidak bermaksud untuk memojokkan kalian tapi aku hanya ingin mengenang. just for fun, pals! jangan diambil hati ya.
nanti setelah hari kelulusan, kita mungkin tidak bertemu lagi. mungkin hanya sesekali saja kita akan bertemu. agak riskan bagi kita untuk berkumpul lagi di dalam satu kelas. berdiskusi bersama, bercanda tawa bersama, berebot bersama hahaha, dan tidak akan ada suara tayi yang galak nyanyi-nyanyi itu hahaha peace tayi.
tapi percayalah, Kawan. ini bukan akhir dari segalanya. tahukah kalian bahwa dimana ada pertemuan disitu pasti ada perpisahan? dan itulah yang akan terjadi kepada kita beberapa hari lagi.
dan nanti jika takdir mempertemukan kita kembali, jadilah sosok yang lebih baik, jadilah orang yang dapat dibanggakan, dan jadilah orang yang tetap rendah hati, tidak sombong, dan rajin menabung hahahaha.
aku tahu perpisahan itu menyakitkan. tapi yak inevitably, we have to face it!
dan percayalah, aku tidak akan pernah melupakan kalian semuanya.
aku sayaaaaaang kalian
i dedicate this note to my friends who i looooove in this whole world.
ana, ayu, mbak yayang, asep, bagus, deis, dimas, dwi, elisa, tayi, fahmi, frenty, billy, hermin, hevin, indah pk, indah pp, isma, mael, ervan, harry, tia, mo, moyes, nopal, sara, cipek, eja, rijan, mbak na, sela, mami, uci, teo, yuni, windu, tria, tiara, emil, dan lusy. oh iyo buat tito jugo sekalian hehehe.
sampai jumpa lagi, Kawan. di tempat yang berbeda, di tempat yang lebih baik.
kata anak-anak kelas sih jadi bikin sedih. padahal aku udah sebisa mungkin ga bikin mereka sedih loh hahaha. dasar mereka hobi mewek ya (?)
tadi aku bikin note di facebook loh *siapa yang nanya*
notenya tentang temen-temen sekolah hehehe berhubung udah mau pisah huhuh jd sedih
ini aku copy-paste-in ya hahahaha
aku ikut bikin note juga ya? hehe. sebenarnya sudah lama aku mau membuat note ini untuk kalian tapi aku lupoooo terus hahahaha.
oke langsung ya?
tapi mulai darimano lah enaknyo? hahahaha *nak keno tabok nian*
well, actually i don't wanna make you sad by tagging you in this note, but i just want you to know that i will never ever forget you!
mungkin tiga tahun adalah waktu yang sangat singkat. sangat singkat untuk kita bisa mengenal satu sama lain. namun tiga tahun terakhir adalah tiga tahun yang sangat berarti untuk aku. aku tahu beberapa dari kalian memiliki karakter atau tingkah laku seperti dibawah ini.
ado yang sering marah-marah dak jelas (mael)
ado yang nagih duit terus (tiara)
ado yang dak berenti ketawo (sara)
ado yang gawenyo ngatoi uong tu lah (billy)
ado yang pacaran bae gawenyo (fahmi & elisa atau fahmi & lusy ??? hahaha)
ado yang mukonyo galak aneh dan terlihat sangat abstrak (moyes & hevin)
ado yang cak kegantengan (harry hahaha peace)
ado yang kaya maho hahaha (mo & rizan)
ado yang gawenyo dak berenti tu lah belajar (uci dan teo (?) hahaha)
ado yang gawenyo dak berenti tu lah bekipas (indah pp)
ado yang jago maen basket (windu)
dan lain-lain laaaaaah. pokoknya semua orang di kelas XII IA 2 adalah orang-orang yang unik, aneh, luar biasa, dan sulit sekali dideskripikan dengan kata-kata hahaha. dan maaf sebelumnya, aku tidak bermaksud untuk memojokkan kalian tapi aku hanya ingin mengenang. just for fun, pals! jangan diambil hati ya.
nanti setelah hari kelulusan, kita mungkin tidak bertemu lagi. mungkin hanya sesekali saja kita akan bertemu. agak riskan bagi kita untuk berkumpul lagi di dalam satu kelas. berdiskusi bersama, bercanda tawa bersama, berebot bersama hahaha, dan tidak akan ada suara tayi yang galak nyanyi-nyanyi itu hahaha peace tayi.
tapi percayalah, Kawan. ini bukan akhir dari segalanya. tahukah kalian bahwa dimana ada pertemuan disitu pasti ada perpisahan? dan itulah yang akan terjadi kepada kita beberapa hari lagi.
dan nanti jika takdir mempertemukan kita kembali, jadilah sosok yang lebih baik, jadilah orang yang dapat dibanggakan, dan jadilah orang yang tetap rendah hati, tidak sombong, dan rajin menabung hahahaha.
aku tahu perpisahan itu menyakitkan. tapi yak inevitably, we have to face it!
dan percayalah, aku tidak akan pernah melupakan kalian semuanya.
aku sayaaaaaang kalian
i dedicate this note to my friends who i looooove in this whole world.
ana, ayu, mbak yayang, asep, bagus, deis, dimas, dwi, elisa, tayi, fahmi, frenty, billy, hermin, hevin, indah pk, indah pp, isma, mael, ervan, harry, tia, mo, moyes, nopal, sara, cipek, eja, rijan, mbak na, sela, mami, uci, teo, yuni, windu, tria, tiara, emil, dan lusy. oh iyo buat tito jugo sekalian hehehe.
sampai jumpa lagi, Kawan. di tempat yang berbeda, di tempat yang lebih baik.
kata anak-anak kelas sih jadi bikin sedih. padahal aku udah sebisa mungkin ga bikin mereka sedih loh hahaha. dasar mereka hobi mewek ya (?)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
it had done
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
1:12 PM
alhamdulilaaah. lega sekali hari ini. karena ujian praktek usai sudah. lalu setelah ujian praktek ini apa lagi? what should i do next? diem aja kayanya di rumah wkwk. atau mungkin belajar? yak belajar! kan mau lulus UMB gitchu loh *keluar bahasa anehnya* wkwk. belajar serius biar bisa lulus UMB. doain yay.
Monday, April 12, 2010
first posting
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:47 AM
Assalamualaikum wr wb *wajib dijawaaaaaab*
mau nulis apa ya? bingung hahahaha perkenalan aja dulu deh
well, my name is Mirna Nadia. sometimes i put my family's name at the end of my name, Mirna Nadia Usman. my schoolmates usually call me as mirna/mirno/mirnong/mbok na *wth apa bgt deh mbok na?* and so do my virtualworld friends. but at home, my family call me ina/irna. so which one do you prefer? it's up to you, guys :)
umur saya tujuh belas tahun *barusan aja*. dan sebenernya saya ngga suka jadi remaja berumur tujuh belas tahun *kenapaaaa?* soalnya aku pengen muda aja terus gitu hahahaha. aneh ya? emaaaaaaang!
saya masih masih bersekolah di salah satu sma negeri yang katanya sih unggulan *errrghm* unggulan banjirnya hahahahahah, engga deng unggulan prestasinya kok *beneran ga boong*. tapi emang suka banjir deh kalo ujan deres hahah. ayo dong Big Boss benerin saluran airnya biar ngga banjir lagi *that's for sure*
cukup ya perkenalannya? :)
well, sebenernyaaa saya ini salah satu pengguna internet yang ga pinter nge-blog *halooo kemana aja deh kamu na?* hehehe pada dasarnya saya juga ga pinter nulis atau menuangkan ide-de dan bercerita dalam bentuk tulisan. makanyaaa ngga pernah interest buat ngeblog. kalo sekarang? sekarang mau nyoba aja mau tau rasanya gimana. manis asam apa asin *permen kali na*. padahal udah pernah loh punya blog tapi ga pernah diurus wkwk mungkin karena itu tadi ga suka menulis dan males, hahahahahahah :-bd
mau nulis apa ya? bingung hahahaha perkenalan aja dulu deh
well, my name is Mirna Nadia. sometimes i put my family's name at the end of my name, Mirna Nadia Usman. my schoolmates usually call me as mirna/mirno/mirnong/mbok na *wth apa bgt deh mbok na?* and so do my virtualworld friends. but at home, my family call me ina/irna. so which one do you prefer? it's up to you, guys :)
umur saya tujuh belas tahun *barusan aja*. dan sebenernya saya ngga suka jadi remaja berumur tujuh belas tahun *kenapaaaa?* soalnya aku pengen muda aja terus gitu hahahaha. aneh ya? emaaaaaaang!
saya masih masih bersekolah di salah satu sma negeri yang katanya sih unggulan *errrghm* unggulan banjirnya hahahahahah, engga deng unggulan prestasinya kok *beneran ga boong*. tapi emang suka banjir deh kalo ujan deres hahah. ayo dong Big Boss benerin saluran airnya biar ngga banjir lagi *that's for sure*
cukup ya perkenalannya? :)
well, sebenernyaaa saya ini salah satu pengguna internet yang ga pinter nge-blog *halooo kemana aja deh kamu na?* hehehe pada dasarnya saya juga ga pinter nulis atau menuangkan ide-de dan bercerita dalam bentuk tulisan. makanyaaa ngga pernah interest buat ngeblog. kalo sekarang? sekarang mau nyoba aja mau tau rasanya gimana. manis asam apa asin *permen kali na*. padahal udah pernah loh punya blog tapi ga pernah diurus wkwk mungkin karena itu tadi ga suka menulis dan males, hahahahahahah :-bd
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