Everything happens for a reason. Mendapatkan apa yang sangat aku iinginkan adalah alasan atas apa yang sedang aku jalani sekarang dalam hidupku.
But, they can't understand, they can't. My friends, my high school teacher, even my family.
Sedih? Iya. Kecewa? Iya, aku kira mereka akan memberi dukungan dan mendoakan, tapi ternyata tidak. Tertekan? Ya. Dan... termotivasi? YA, SANGAT TERMOTIVASI.
I'll prove it, I will! They'll see, they'll know that they're wrong.
Next year is the year of proof.
Monday, September 27, 2010
democracy is yet to learn
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:14 PM
Democracy Is Yet To Learn itu film pendek buatan Adhyatmika. Orang Indonesia! :))) Umurnya masih 21. Lulusan Puttnam School of Film, Lasalle College of The Arts, Singapore. Filmnya ini menang dalam Democracy Video Challenge. Dia sampe ketemu sama Hillary Clinton loh! Terus masuk NBC dan ketemu sama Tony Blair O.o
Film pendeknya ini bagus banget deh *menurut aku*. Walaupun pendek tapi pesannya tuh nyampe banget. Salut lah pokoknya. Four thumbs up! :)))
thanks, mbc :p
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
5:06 PM
Bounjooooour ;;) I've been bored for being study since 2 days ago :((( I can't finish my "problem set" yet :((( Too much difficult questions :'''(
Then, I decided to get some refreshment, keke. Surfing in the internet worrrrrld :DDD It can refreshes my mind so well :p
Ah, anyway, especially for "Korean Stuff's Lovers" :p, did you guys already see MBC ‘2010 Idol Athletics Chuseok Special’? Kalo belom cepetan deh nonton, keburu video nya didelete sama yt, kekekekekekeke :p
Ah sinca! :p I'm being so happy to see that show :DDD But, I wouldn't be happy by myself, I'll share it w/ you :)))
lol at shindong oppa :p itu kasihan deh yang jatuh :(
omoooo, eunhyuk oppa cepet banget larinya, daebak!
aaa aku pengennya jokwon yang menang -_- tapi, daebak, minho! :D eteuk oppa maennya curang -_-
kekekeke, seulong nya menang, wajar aja ya, kakinya panjang gitu :p
woah, ngga nyangka onew larinya lambet :p
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 1/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 2/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 3/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 4/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 5/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 6/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 7/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 8/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 1/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 2/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 3/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 4/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 5/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 6/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 7/7
credit to SuJuTV4@youtube and 1991krys@youtube :)))
Then, I decided to get some refreshment, keke. Surfing in the internet worrrrrld :DDD It can refreshes my mind so well :p
Ah, anyway, especially for "Korean Stuff's Lovers" :p, did you guys already see MBC ‘2010 Idol Athletics Chuseok Special’? Kalo belom cepetan deh nonton, keburu video nya didelete sama yt, kekekekekekeke :p
Ah sinca! :p I'm being so happy to see that show :DDD But, I wouldn't be happy by myself, I'll share it w/ you :)))
lol at shindong oppa :p itu kasihan deh yang jatuh :(
omoooo, eunhyuk oppa cepet banget larinya, daebak!
aaa aku pengennya jokwon yang menang -_- tapi, daebak, minho! :D eteuk oppa maennya curang -_-
kekekeke, seulong nya menang, wajar aja ya, kakinya panjang gitu :p
woah, ngga nyangka onew larinya lambet :p
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 1/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 2/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 3/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 4/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 5/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 6/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 7/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 1 8/8
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 1/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 2/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 3/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 4/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 5/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 6/7
Idol Star Athletics Championships Part 2 7/7
credit to SuJuTV4@youtube and 1991krys@youtube :)))
Friday, September 24, 2010
ecieee sara mau nonton shinee
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
6:07 AM
Uwouwouwouwo -_- Efek dari ngga buka twitter sm facebook >> ketinggalan berita.
Best friend ku dapet free ticket buat nonton Shinee aja aku ngga tau, haha. Baru tau semalem masa? Hoho. Miaaaan ya Sara :* Lagian si Sara ngga ngasih tau, sms atau telpon gitu, kekekeke. Tapi, chukae chukae chukae :*
Hahahaha si Sara, ngga ada SuJu, Shinee pun jadi, kekekekeke. Pulang-pulang jangan ngga bawa Minho yeeee ye ye, HAHAHAHA.
Eh katanya masih ada sisa 1900 ticket ya? Hahahaha mau dong satu. Tapi, mungkin,ngga dibolehin mama papa kesana ==" *Tapi kan belom bilang? Mungkin aja dibolehin.* Tapi, aaaaaaaaa sudahlah, pikirin belajar dulu :p Belom saatnya, belom rezeki aku :)))
Sekali lagi deh, chukahamidaaaaa my bestie, Sara :*
Best friend ku dapet free ticket buat nonton Shinee aja aku ngga tau, haha. Baru tau semalem masa? Hoho. Miaaaan ya Sara :* Lagian si Sara ngga ngasih tau, sms atau telpon gitu, kekekeke. Tapi, chukae chukae chukae :*
Hahahaha si Sara, ngga ada SuJu, Shinee pun jadi, kekekekeke. Pulang-pulang jangan ngga bawa Minho yeeee ye ye, HAHAHAHA.
Eh katanya masih ada sisa 1900 ticket ya? Hahahaha mau dong satu. Tapi, mungkin,ngga dibolehin mama papa kesana ==" *Tapi kan belom bilang? Mungkin aja dibolehin.* Tapi, aaaaaaaaa sudahlah, pikirin belajar dulu :p Belom saatnya, belom rezeki aku :)))
Sekali lagi deh, chukahamidaaaaa my bestie, Sara :*
Thursday, September 23, 2010
problem set, 100 impian, OMONA ㅠ_ㅠ
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
10:30 PM
Problem set oh problem set ㅠ_ㅠ Ngga selesai-selesai nih ngerjain problem set dari NF :((( Apalagi fisikanya, huaaaaaa :((( Someone, please heeeeelp!
Mana belom bikin pr 100 impian lagi :( Iya, 100 impian! ==" jadi di NF tuh ada kaya bimbingan konseling gitu deh, terus sama gurunya disuruh bikin list 100 impian gitu ==" Abis libur ini udah harus selesai deh kayanya. Omonaaaa, satu minggu lagi yak :( Problem set ngga selesai-selesai, 100 impian belom dikerjain ==" Oh, God ㅠ_ㅠ
100 impian ==" Ngga tau mesti mulai dari mana, terlalu banyak impian nih ==" Rasanya aneh kalo mesti ditulis satu-satu, enakan disimpen dalem otak aja :p Tapi bagusnya emang ditulis ya *fool!* biar ngga lupa apa aja mimpi-mimpinya :))) Oke, besok harus mulai nulis 100 impian dan ngerjain problem set lagi :)))
Mirna fighting! Yay! :)))
Mana belom bikin pr 100 impian lagi :( Iya, 100 impian! ==" jadi di NF tuh ada kaya bimbingan konseling gitu deh, terus sama gurunya disuruh bikin list 100 impian gitu ==" Abis libur ini udah harus selesai deh kayanya. Omonaaaa, satu minggu lagi yak :( Problem set ngga selesai-selesai, 100 impian belom dikerjain ==" Oh, God ㅠ_ㅠ
100 impian ==" Ngga tau mesti mulai dari mana, terlalu banyak impian nih ==" Rasanya aneh kalo mesti ditulis satu-satu, enakan disimpen dalem otak aja :p Tapi bagusnya emang ditulis ya *fool!* biar ngga lupa apa aja mimpi-mimpinya :))) Oke, besok harus mulai nulis 100 impian dan ngerjain problem set lagi :)))
Mirna fighting! Yay! :)))
koneksi, pret!
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:22 PM
Aigooo. Males banget nih makam malem -_- Males turun ke bawahnya :p
Eh, aku ganti template loooh :p Otoke? Gwenchana? Hehe. Tapi aku masih mau cari background yang lebih pas, ele =="
Ah, pret! Dari tadi download video ngga selesai-selesai dah :((( speednya itu ya ampun ngga lebih dari 15KB/sec. Ngemalesin banget lah ini :((( Ayolaaaaaah, dewa datanglah, koneksi dewa =="
Hemmm, dengerin lagunya Yiruma dulu deh, biar tenangan dikit :p Emosi gara-gara koneksi internet :p
Eh, aku ganti template loooh :p Otoke? Gwenchana? Hehe. Tapi aku masih mau cari background yang lebih pas, ele =="
Ah, pret! Dari tadi download video ngga selesai-selesai dah :((( speednya itu ya ampun ngga lebih dari 15KB/sec. Ngemalesin banget lah ini :((( Ayolaaaaaah, dewa datanglah, koneksi dewa =="
Hemmm, dengerin lagunya Yiruma dulu deh, biar tenangan dikit :p Emosi gara-gara koneksi internet :p
BJ !!! eh JB :p
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
4:33 PM
Yo, whassup? eleee sok gaul =="
Aku abis ngakak nih *perasaan dari kemarin ngakak mulu*. Abis liat si Justin Bieber ngomong bahasa Indonesia di yt.
Wkwkwkwk :p Ngomong terima kasih nya ngga ikhlas gitu yak? -_____-
Oh iya katanya dia mau ke Indo ya? Masa sih? ==" Tapi bisa aja, world tour kali dia? Bisa aja, bisa aja. Katanya sih tahun 2011 deh bulan Juli, terus masa tiketnya 300rb-600rb doang? Pasti sponsornya banyak ==" Tapi masih isu deh, ngga jelas itu beneran apa engga. Kalo beneran, pengen nonton dong :p Pengen liat :p
Aku abis ngakak nih *perasaan dari kemarin ngakak mulu*. Abis liat si Justin Bieber ngomong bahasa Indonesia di yt.
Wkwkwkwk :p Ngomong terima kasih nya ngga ikhlas gitu yak? -_____-
Oh iya katanya dia mau ke Indo ya? Masa sih? ==" Tapi bisa aja, world tour kali dia? Bisa aja, bisa aja. Katanya sih tahun 2011 deh bulan Juli, terus masa tiketnya 300rb-600rb doang? Pasti sponsornya banyak ==" Tapi masih isu deh, ngga jelas itu beneran apa engga. Kalo beneran, pengen nonton dong :p Pengen liat :p
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
i heart Yiruma
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
9:55 PM
Hi, hahaha :p My third posting :p It would be the last posting for today :p
Now I 'm listening to some of Yiruma's song. You don't know about him? I'll let you know a little bit of him. Yiruma or his real name, Lee Ru-ma, is a pianist. He's from South Korean. For more clear, just click here, hehe.
Some of his songs >> Maybe, Kiss The Rain, and River Flows In You are my favouriiiiiiites :333 Those are really adorable songs! Dang! I wish I could play the piano :((( Oh, Mama kenapa waktu kecil aku ngga dilesin piano sich?
Try to listen to it! Once you listen to, your heart will melt like a candle's touched by fire :p I feel more calm after listen to his songs :))) Feel soooo good :))) So, yo baby! Listen to Yiruma's! Let your heart melts, haha just like me :p
Bye bye!
Now I 'm listening to some of Yiruma's song. You don't know about him? I'll let you know a little bit of him. Yiruma or his real name, Lee Ru-ma, is a pianist. He's from South Korean. For more clear, just click here, hehe.
Some of his songs >> Maybe, Kiss The Rain, and River Flows In You are my favouriiiiiiites :333 Those are really adorable songs! Dang! I wish I could play the piano :((( Oh, Mama kenapa waktu kecil aku ngga dilesin piano sich?
Try to listen to it! Once you listen to, your heart will melt like a candle's touched by fire :p I feel more calm after listen to his songs :))) Feel soooo good :))) So, yo baby! Listen to Yiruma's! Let your heart melts, haha just like me :p
Bye bye!
should i deactivate it?
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
8:46 PM
Anyeooong, hahaha my second posting in this day :p Idk why but now I really want to post more than once in my blog :p
I'm kinda bored w/ twitter or facebook :((( Even, I don't want to open it :(((( It sucks :(((
I'm planning to deactivate my accounts. But I can't decide yet when I can deactivate it. Or should I just leave it without deactivating? Ah, don't know. We'll see. But maybe, better I just leave it without deactivate it, and also I'll not tell anyone about it, so that they'll be curious where I am going, lol.
I think I will just updating my blog more than playing on twitter or facebook. Ya!
I'm kinda bored w/ twitter or facebook :((( Even, I don't want to open it :(((( It sucks :(((
I'm planning to deactivate my accounts. But I can't decide yet when I can deactivate it. Or should I just leave it without deactivating? Ah, don't know. We'll see. But maybe, better I just leave it without deactivate it, and also I'll not tell anyone about it, so that they'll be curious where I am going, lol.
I think I will just updating my blog more than playing on twitter or facebook. Ya!
ukelele boy
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
7:18 PM
Anyeong ;;)
Now, I want to show you a video which already make my laughter comes. Wait a minute :p
OMG. This kid is sooooooo cute. I don't know who he is. But, I'm very thankful to him. Bcs, I had just been in a bad mood before I watched him in that video. Then, now I feel like I'm a happy camper! Kekekekekekekekekeke. Ah, kyeoooooooop :333 Such a very cutie boy! Cutie boy with a cutie ukelele, hahaha. Do you guys think so?
Now, I want to show you a video which already make my laughter comes. Wait a minute :p
OMG. This kid is sooooooo cute. I don't know who he is. But, I'm very thankful to him. Bcs, I had just been in a bad mood before I watched him in that video. Then, now I feel like I'm a happy camper! Kekekekekekekekekeke. Ah, kyeoooooooop :333 Such a very cutie boy! Cutie boy with a cutie ukelele, hahaha. Do you guys think so?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
adam adam
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
10:56 AM
Aigooo, it had been such a long time I didn't post anything here.
Actually, I'm not doing a lot of things, just staying at home till October 1st :p Kinda bored, but not really bored. I've spent my time w/ my dearest laptop mostly, downloading and watching We Got Married - Jokwon Gain episodes. Yay! They are my favourite, Adam Couple ♥
You know what, I have all of their episodes, from episode one till the latest episode, hahahahahahahaha *nafsu banget ngedownloadnya*. Honestly, after watching them, I feel like all of my stress is going away from my mind.
But, they are not the only one that I love :p Do you know 2PM Nickhun and F(X) Victoria? They both also got married, named Khuntoria Couple. They are my favourite too, after the Adam Couple, hehe.
For attention. They're not really married in the real life. They're just act like husband and wife in that variety show. But, who knows? Kekeke. I think Adam Couple is not fake, I guess that they are really falling in love.
Jadi pengen nyanyi lagunya Jokwon ft. Gain, We Fell In Love. Sarangingeolkka neowa na, gateun mamilkka neowa na, uriga sarang hage dwaetdago, malhaedo doelkka...
Actually, I'm not doing a lot of things, just staying at home till October 1st :p Kinda bored, but not really bored. I've spent my time w/ my dearest laptop mostly, downloading and watching We Got Married - Jokwon Gain episodes. Yay! They are my favourite, Adam Couple ♥
You know what, I have all of their episodes, from episode one till the latest episode, hahahahahahahaha *nafsu banget ngedownloadnya*. Honestly, after watching them, I feel like all of my stress is going away from my mind.
But, they are not the only one that I love :p Do you know 2PM Nickhun and F(X) Victoria? They both also got married, named Khuntoria Couple. They are my favourite too, after the Adam Couple, hehe.
For attention. They're not really married in the real life. They're just act like husband and wife in that variety show. But, who knows? Kekeke. I think Adam Couple is not fake, I guess that they are really falling in love.
Jadi pengen nyanyi lagunya Jokwon ft. Gain, We Fell In Love. Sarangingeolkka neowa na, gateun mamilkka neowa na, uriga sarang hage dwaetdago, malhaedo doelkka...
adam couple,
khuntoria couple,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
ngga mudik
Posted by
Mirna Nadia
12:10 PM
Assalamualaikum, wr. wb ;;)
Yipppppie, lusa udah lebaran. hihi. Alhamdulilah, sampe juga ke hari kemenangan *ele*. Ah tapi sedih, karena lebaran tahun ini aku beneran NGGA MUDIK :(
Tapi ya udah gpp, soalnya >> ngga mudik = lebaran di palembang = main sama Uci sama Sara :DDD
Kemarin udah main sama mereka sih, tapi Insyaallah nanti main lagi deh, mumpung Ucinya lagi di palembang, kekeke.

Yipppppie, lusa udah lebaran. hihi. Alhamdulilah, sampe juga ke hari kemenangan *ele*. Ah tapi sedih, karena lebaran tahun ini aku beneran NGGA MUDIK :(
Tapi ya udah gpp, soalnya >> ngga mudik = lebaran di palembang = main sama Uci sama Sara :DDD
Kemarin udah main sama mereka sih, tapi Insyaallah nanti main lagi deh, mumpung Ucinya lagi di palembang, kekeke.

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